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Somewhat by accident, we find ourselves in possession of several recent reports on surging Sexually Transmitted Disease in Thailand, and two separate reports from male Expat visitors which allow as how they, by choice, engage in highly risky sexual practices when frequenting Bangkok's Night Entertainment Areas. Both men indicate that when engaging local sex workers, they never use condoms unless they absolutely have to. Both men claim to be heterosexual. Coincidentally, both men claim they get regular blood checks, and that they have never tested HIV-positive. Both men, however, will admit off the record to having contracted other sexually transmittable diseases. (!)
Bangkok, being no different than any other mega-metropolis on this planet, we neither apologize for, nor endorse the behavior of visitors or the locals when it comes to sexual practices. As an historical Website, it is not MIDNITE HOUR's intent to moralize, or preach on the necessity of condom use, or even to 'spread awareness' on Sexually Transmitted Diseases. It is our intent, however, to provide the statistical realities regarding having unprotected sex while visiting Bangkok's Night Entertainment Areas as it relates to a chronic, and historically significant blight on the Night Entertainment Scene.
Historically Same-Same...
- A Wealth Of Historical References
to Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
"This...is amply proved by references to lewdness, nameless diseases, drunkenness, and bastard children, now and again cropping up in the correspondence of the Company's* servants. Morality may have had a lower standard in those days than it has now, but, apart from any such consideration, the isolation of these Englishmen in their exile, their surroundings so different from those encompassing their lives in an English home, and the novel temptations to which they were exposed, lead charity to be merciful in judging them."
* The British East India Company records of 1617 A.D.
(-Taken from a 19th Century analysis of the British influence in Siam two centuries prior.)
On interviewing the two abovementioned gentlemen, MIDNITE HOUR's first (slightly loaded) question was, "In that you endeavor not to use condoms unless your partner insists, don't you find it extremely difficult finding women to sleep with?" And while we were, of course, fully prepared to hear that they in fact do find women who will participate without condom protection, we were not in the least prepared for one gentleman's answer. He replied by producing a bound notebook of what he called his "Offs" (Local slang for girls who have been 'bought out' of their bars for the evening.) He had meticulously recorded the names, dates and workplaces of one hundred-and-one of his last 'ladies of the night'. In addition, he faithfully recorded whether they immediately agreed to sleep with him, or whether they had to be 'talked out of' using a condom, or whether they flatly refused to sleep with him without the use of a condom.
We confess were initially a bit dubious; these specific statistics wouldn't be kept unless there was an agenda of some kind. So we asked him why he would keep these particular statistics - to which he replied he had been intending to publish his results elsewhere on web boards, or (somewhere else) for a long time, to prove, somehow, that 'bareback riding' was in fact "safe". While we might question his logic, his motives and his conclusions, it would in fact be irrelevant to the purposes of this article He has allowed a (partial) reprint of his journal (please click the link below) - I think you will be as surprised as we were.
DO Bangkok's Sex Workers
Use Condoms
if YOU Don't ?
- Here's the low-down -
Ladies NOT using Condoms & NOT asking to use Condoms
= 66
Ladies NOT using Condoms, but DID ask to use Condoms
= 27
Ladies INSISTING on using Condoms
= 8
Total ladies surveyed
= 101
BANGKOK EYES will be the first to point out that one hundred and one sexual encounters does not constitute the basis for a completely accurate statistical analysis (Confidence Limits are too great), or an epidemiological study. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that both gentlemen interviewed by us had surprisingly similar results. And, as you can see if you clicked on the full report, the response was fairly consistent regardless of type or location of venue the gentleman was frequenting when the encounter was made.
"....asking a sex worker, while in her place of employment, if she would go without a condom is like asking her if she steals wallets..."
With regards to "controls on the experiment", we at MIDNITE HOUR have taken the attached record at face value, but as a "reality check" we have also conducted our own surveys within the Night Entertainment Venues here in
Bangkok. It may not be surprising to note that when the sex worker is interviewed in her place of employment, the ratio of those saying they would not go with a condomless customer rises to almost 82 percent. This separate study is also likely not precise, as almost always the girls have been instructed by the mamasans not to go with a customer without a condom (and usually bring their own condoms along if they accompany a customer out of the bar). However all indications are that asking a sex worker, while in her place of employment, if she would go without a condom is like asking her if she steals wallets - her answer is likely going to be, "No", - the answer she thinks you want to hear.
MIDNITE HOUR's other observations tend to compound the problem. Even if the average Expat on the prowl normally uses condoms, we have had many reports (from both the girls and the men) of condoms not being used if, for example, the men see the same bar girl on a "regular basis" and grow to believe it is safe. Or alternately, if, when the couple get back to the hotel room, they are too drunk, they just plain forget. It appears that there are in fact several good reasons why Socially Transmittable Disease is not only a chronic (historical) problem, but is in fact on the increase. So, as you have seen above, if you have come to Bangkok to play, or if you are planning to do so, there is still only one safe way.
But assuming an adult readership, we will let you come to your own conclusions.
Rap not read...
Now that the politically involved among us have regained some of their sanity and composure, we thought now would be the appropriate time to reprint one of the more humorous photos to come out of all the frenetic gnashing of teeth. AP photo.
Big Easy Down
EASY SQUARE Night Entertainment Area
July 2004 - September 2004
Easy Square was Bangkok's shortest lived Night Entertainment Area. It's beginnings were modest and unpromising, to say the least. The Nice Bar, having closed down operations in Soi Cowboy in October of 2002, immediately began construction of it's new bar in a large vacant lot half way down Soi 22 on Sukhumvit Road. They opened in January of 2003, literally in the middle of nowhere. But surprisingly, the Nice Bar was followed by the Cheers Bar, recently of Asoke Plaza, who opened only weeks after they did. They were followed later in 2003 by the Dao Bar, the Ocean Bar, and the Tawan Thong Karaoke.
First In - Last Out
Workmen tearing down Easy Square's buildings and removing rubble carefully refrain from damaging this attractive Chinese Spirit House.
But this handful of bar beers and karaokes and Pool Bars was far from everywhere - virtually no one knew where they were. And they were even farther from reaching a critical mass: nowhere near maintaining a self sustaining customer base, nowhere near becoming an independent, stand-alone Night Entertainment Area. Nevertheless, it was a start, and with profuse promises and verbal guarantees of longevity by Easy Square's land leaseholder (later to be found more than a little disingenuous), other prospective bar owners were enticed to bring money and construct Night Entertainment Venues of their own.
Before :
The Hang Out was the "last soldier standing", and continued to rock & roll after all the other bars had pulled up stakes and moved out of Easy Square.
After : After the bulldozers and wrecking crews...
By June of 2004, Easy Square crashed through the barrier, having attained enough Night Entertainment Venues, and enough regular custom to be considered a Night Entertainment Area in it's own right. And the future looked bright ahead - concrete pads were being poured, and several more bars were in various phases of construction, along with a much needed community restroom. Two of the larger bars, already under construction, one Japanese, one a Portugese cantina, were to become Easy Square's 'centerpieces', being the first indoor airconditioned pub-style venues.
The Cantina That Never Was -
The Portugese Cantina had no sooner completed construction than they found out about the closure of Easy Square. Now that the walls are torn down, we get our first look at what was to be their "Long Bar".
But just as the construction boom was peaking, cracks began to appear as rumors surfaced to the effect that the land on which the bars were being built had previously been deep-piled in preparation of highrise construction by the land owner. The Easy Square land leasholder at first denied that the deep piling had been done, and later recanted, saying that although the deep piling had been done, the planned highrise would not be built in the forseeable future due to zoning conflicts - all the while trying to sublease additional loc to other prospective bar owners. This was tacit admission that the Night Entertainment Area was " opportunistic", that is to say, temporary in nature, it's tenure dependent on future permanent redevelopment.
Making matters worse, shortly thereafter it was rumored that the landowner had demanded his land back from the land leaseholder, as he was going ahead with construction, and, it was rumored, he wanted it back now. Immediately, all ongoing construction ceased, as bar owners swarmed the office of the land leaseholder, with valid subleases in thier hands, demanding their tea money and rent monies back. After much animated tapdancing by the land leaseholder, he convinced, it seems, one and all that the landowner had reached yet another impasse with the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority, putting any highrise construction on indefinite hold, saying, "OK, y'all c'n come back now".
But the damage had been done. On the one hand, the land leaseholder had at least temporarily put out the fires regarding all the subleases to the bar owners, but on the other hand, he had to admit that the landowner did have eventual intentions to build his highrise. Credibility gone, the land leaseholder tried, but never leased any additional loc, and none of the previously interrupted bar construction ever resumed - leaving several partially completed Night Venues.
Easy Square's fate from that point on was not in question - in September alone, seven bars closed down. After a run of less than three months, Easy Square lost critical mass, and ceased to function as a self-sustaining Night Entertainment Area. From then on, it was simply a matter of attrition, amid continued squabbling over sublease tea money payments. The last such squabble, covered in our earlier columns, was with Easy Square's last soldier standing, the Hang Out Pool Bar & Lounge. In our April 2005 Column, we said the Hang Out "just may, out of spite, remain open for the remainder of it's one year contract, or the arrival of the bulldozers, whichever comes first." We are here to report that in early May, the bulldozers came first.
A Last Reminder -
Although it closed months ago, the 4 U Bar sign remained up until a few days ago - as a last reminder that this plot of land was once a Night Entertainment Area.
In summary, Easy Square barely even made a blip on the collective Bankok Nightscene radar, but it was part and parcel of Bangkok's end-of Millennium story of the " Opportunistic Bar Areas", and as such deserves a small footnote in the ongoing history ot our Nightlife. If you would like to read a brief history of Easy Square previously appearing on this site, CLICK HERE to go to our archived MIDNITE HOUR Column. MIDNITE HOUR will, in a future issue, update and finalize the Easy Square history and map for our archives.
Rumor Of The Month
JUNE 2005
" Where there's "
"Rumor" is defined as "no-fault confabulation,
chain-reaction speculation...." Nevertheless M
IDNITE HOUR again presents the most outrageous / prevalent rumor
to cross our desks this past month:
This rumor comes up so often, it has become Bangkok Urban Legend.
"The Come Prima Coffee Shop at the Siam Hotel on Petchbury Road has become the hottest after-hours spot in Bangkok."
(The Siam Hotel, and it's coffee shop did in fact have a heyday in the mid-sixty's and early seventy's during the R & R years, when "New' Petchburi Road was referred to as the "Golden Mile".)
MIDNITE HOUR includes as part of our Rumor Of The
Month an ongoing evaluation as to the accuracy of said rumors since the inception of
the award.
Due to the March 2005 Rumor having come true, as of 01 APRIL 2005, the Rumor Accuracy Quotient is now at
- 4.17% Note: This variance from "0%" is due to ONE and only ONE rumor to ever have come true.
See our Archived Rumors at their worst : click HERE.
She don't get no respect...
A regular correspondent with this website recently took yet another holiday here in Thailand, this time abandoning Bangkok for Pattaya. He quickly found a young lady at one of the Nitespots to accompany him on his one-week adventure.
Shortly after his arrival in Pattaya, we received an urgent message from him. He had taken his attractive escort on a trail of high adventure, including riding motorcycles, going jet-skiing and capping off the morning with bungee jumping. According to him, by that afternoon she was as sick as a dog, and not getting any better. He explained, " I think I broke my bargirl."
Say, that ain't no way to treat a lady... By way of epilogue, he rushed her to a local hospital (not once, but twice), and we are happy to say she has fully recovered from her day of Farang torture, and that they are now off on new adventures. Proving once again, that that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

June's Follies
begin here
MIDNITE HOUR presents the NEWS on the Bangkok Night Scene; - the 'history-in-the-making' for all major Night Entertainment Areas - for the month ending 1 June, 2005 :
 The Pussy Collection is closed. Again. Since they relocated to their new digs next to Randy's Gold Finger's in September 2001, they have been closed down twice previously - once in May 2003 for three months, and again in October 2003 for five months. Door touts on the street advise that they are closed for "renovations"... Right....but let's not start chiselling the epitaph just yet - because after they cure what's really ailing them, they will be back.
 Back full throttle after exactly thirty days' renovating is the Swing Club (located upstairs on The Ramp). Although our jaundiced eye wasn't able to see just what got renovated, we're glad to see this old Patpong II veteran back in action. Karaoke Lounge remains the operant descriptor. Welcome back to the vale of tears.
 The Bua Luang Target closed down for the second time in 3 months this last May for (-you guessed it-) more renovations. But all is well with the world, because they are already back open again, and looking as busy as ever. Their sister Night Venue the IT Room, just upstairs, has yet to put out any neon, but at least for the first time since they started renovations both places look good to keep on keeping on. It looks like the Bua Luang group are going to retain these two venues as their 'flagship' operation, however, as they have just closed a couple of their original Night Venues - see immediately below.
 Both the Hong Aharn Bua Luang (a restaurant), and the Bua Luang Karaoke on the 3rd floor, Cosmo's Stairwell, have closed their doors - and this time it looks like they won't be answering the bell for the next round. This leaves them with only the Bua Luang Beauty Parlor there in the stairwell next to the Patpong Snooker. We have never understood how anyone could do business in a dingy stairwell - it seems a minor miracle that they have stayed in business this long.
 News that isn't really news is that the Rainbow 4 opened on schedule on 6 May in the old Woodstock and Rosemary digs. And it and lived up to expectations - a very large, glitzy A-Go-Go bar. They are currently staffed with dancers, khon serbs, etc, from the now renovating Rainbow (1). The floor manager advises that this new bar will be the Rainbow Group's flagship, and the downstairs bar will have to recruit all new staff when they reopen in a couple, three days, because the people they have on board now are staying put. Let the good times roll. NANA PLAZA
 As mentioned above the Rainbow (Rainbow 1) is closed, but only for a few more days. But as they have been left to their own devices vis-a-vis restaffing, they have stretched a banner across the entrance to Nana Plaza which in addition to announcing the 3 June reopening (in English, Chinese and Japanese), they seek dancers and staff of every description. Interested parties are to apply in person at Rainbow 3 on the second floor. It will be interesting to see how all this comes together - the oldest bar in the Plaza, having just been renovated, is basically a brand new bar and will have a brand new team to run it - who have never worked together before. NANA PLAZA
 Opening (softly) this May was the Deja Vu - as promised by them. But the red carpet comes rolling out onto the Soi on 4 June, when they have the party balloons, snacks and Rock 'n Roll all over everywhere. Here's " the skinny" - on 4th June, they open the upstairs half of the bar - which features yet another " Peek-A-Boo" glass A-Go-Go floor, allowing the downstairs crowd to check the colorfulness or the colorlessness of the bikinis.
Most of the Deja Vu staff are from the old New Crazy Cats, a few coming from the old Five Star II, and some of the staff are new. So if you had any old acquaintances at either of the predecessor bars, they may still be there. The Deja Vu is brought to us by the same people who own Midnite Bar and Spice Girls Pink Cadillac. Welcome to the sideshow.
Door Art Of The Month
MIDNITE HOUR's nod for best Door Art Of The Month goes out to the Suzy Wong on Soi Cowboy for their highly decorative Chinese Dragon columns, which greet passers-by and customers alike.
ARTISTS (Soi 33)
 The Matrix, down in the basement next to the Londoner Brew Pub at the top of the Soi is now much more than just a black-light bowling alley. They are now claiming to be a restaurant and a Pub. We saw no evidence of the restaurant, although they were serving food and drink to the bowlers. But it was the Pub that caught our eye, complete with large reproduced photos from the film The Matrix. Well appointed and roomy with a snooker table for those interested. They claimed to have a live band - (but not on Friday night???) However, the staff seemed less than friendly, and there were no customers. Hmmmm, ...staff unfriendly, ...no customers, ...do we connect the dots?
 The Venus Club, only just opened in March of this year, had what appeared to be a Vargas nude incorporated into their sign. At the time we posed the question, " A Sign Too Far?". Apparently so; apparently the Sign Gestapos, with nothing on their schedule but more free time, had a little chat with the management, and they came to an understanding. The understanding went like this - we will do it the Sign Gestapos' way - or not at all.
"... too sexy for my shoes..."
Shake it, don't break it, gang, you know how tiny grub-like men with even tinier jobs can get when they feel they have to justify their paychecks. The " Before" and " After" photos immediately above tell the tale.
 Entering the Ambiguous Massage Parlor milieu is the Arsom Babai, deep in Sub-Soi 5, down near the Buongiorno. Previously fairly straight-laced, they now seem to be coming closer to a 'full service' massage. Welcome to the nightworld.
 Opening right about..... now - just between the Sa Thai Massage and the Po Massage will be yet another ambiguous massage. The workmen we spoke to were in a bit of a frenzy trying to make schedule, but were kind enough to take a break and kindly inform us that even they didn't know what the name of the new Night Venue would be. We'll have to get back to you with the full report next month.
 Hopefully, we can be forgiven for thinking that another bar had opened up on Soi Katoey ( Silom Soi 4), but in fact it was yet another of the elaborate promotions which from time to time occupy that Soi. Malibu was the name of the drink - silly us. SOI KATOEY
 Slow to focus, we finally realized that the two large signboards we were staring at were artfully rendered numeral 1's. -And that, together, they made a giant "eleven". -And that "eleven" is the number of years the Tapas Room Club has been open. -And that the hundreds of people milling about us were there to help them celebrate their anniversary. May the rock still rock, and the roll still roll. SOI KATOEY
 You may remember MIDNITE HOUR mentioning a couple months back that The Corner, a Pub-style bar, was built on spec by Corner Bar back in, well, the corner. They were hoping to find a buyer after-the-fact - risky behavior in these troubled Night Entertainment times. But they did in fact find a buyer. Making their debut this month is the X-Bar, full of good people and quite a few customers. Pool Bar - Lounge is the prime agendum. May there always be a chinchoke in their corner.
 ...Not to be confused with 2 Corner, which is not in any corner. This last month, they have put in windows and airconditioning. Should serve them well for the rest of this hot season and the upcoming rainy season. ...And the partying didn't even slow down.
 Gone but not gone, On The Rocks (whose darkened doorway was piled high with old rattan furniture last month) has popped back up out of it's coffin and continues to march. It doesn't look like they renovated, but the place sure looks cleaner - maybe it was new furniture? Let 'er rip, then, gentlemen...
Christina Bar, which has been around since Queen's Park Plaza went critical, has had a burnt out bit of neon hanging out there for two months. Each time we walk by, there are only a couple of customers - quite a bit different from times past. The place looks dead. While not wanting to force our ideas of "cause and effect" on others, perhaps if customers saw a sign that was brightly advertising the place, they might be more inclined to think the place was open....
New Friends, one of the original bars in the Plaza has found a way out from under it all. They have sold out, lock, stock and chrome barstool to Angel, who have only been in operation for a few days, and don't yet have their neon nailed up. We don't yet know if this is the same Angel from Asoke Plaza, or if it is Angel from the top of Soi 22, or if it is a brand-new Angel. Nevertheless, welcome to the long uphill.
 The Crystal Pub spends about half it's time closed - for whatever reason. Just about the time they start building up a little good will and a few return customers, they lock up and turn off the lights for a month or two. Last Friday night, when we went by for a beer, they were - you guessed it - closed again. That ain't the way to get 'er done, son. Maybe they need to talk to the local Mor Feng Shui - change the plumbing around, or something. We are not going to be guileless enough to write the obit on this one just yet, as they have a habit of popping back up out of their coffin just when you least expect it.
The Hello Bar - their neon shingle already tacked up above the door at the end of the previous month, had plans to switch on the lights by 4th of May. We are pleased to see that this has happened as scheduled - resulting in a large, comfortably air conditioned Pool Bar ( -where the Mae Mai Karaoke used to be). And, yes, this is the same Hello Bar that closed down operations in Tobacco Road (Soi Zero) in June 2004. Welcome back to the vicissitudes.
Also mentioned in our last issue as "under construction", the 2 D Bar nailed up their new neon shingle and rolled out the red carpet early this May. Bar Beer, of course, the modus operandi. They are located on the 2nd floor. Let's welcome them as they step into the line of fire.
The surprise entry -we didn't even see this one coming- was the Revolution Salsa Bar at the far rear on the ground floor. The Revolution comes from all the Che Guiverra posters, the Salsa comes from the music. We have no idea where the noisy ESPN Sports Channel television comes from... Nevertheless, a small, dimly lit Lounge Bar with reasonable prices... Welcome to the night follies. SUKHUMVIT 1 PLAZA
The shroud has been pulled around the Junk Bar, 2nd floor - the cozy Pool Bar appears to have gone the way of the dodo. They did have a rap samak duan sign Scotch-taped to the window, however it was for staffing up their new neighbor, the 2 D Bar (mentioned above). In that all the fixtures are still in situ, this looks more like playing 'possum than an actual fatality, So we will report back next month to see if the Junk Bar suddenly finds the wherewithal to reincarnate...
In earlier editions, MIDNITE HOUR noted that the 3rd floor of this Plaza was being renovated into what might best be described as a Short-Time Hotel. Our suspicions were confirmed this last month as the "Welcome To Guest House" opened with limited fanfare. (Great shades of Welcome To Meeting that preceded the opening of Check Inn 99 for several years along Sukhumvit!) May the night demons hector them less severely...
New Lucky Lukes, with emphasis on the "New", seems to be doing a little better for itself. Formerly a single loc bar beer, it has expanded into the adjacent loc (the former Hello Bar which closed in June 2004). It's new double-wide area accomodating another pool table. Keep on keeping on.
My Typewriter Made Me Do It Department. The photo we should have put up last month for the Maxim's bar beer can be found just below. Got to be more careful. Maxim's is located at the very far end of the Soi - it's tiny, but just keep walking - you'll walk right into it. Pump up the volume. SOI EDEN
We were so sure that Tequila Dragon was going to miss roll call this month that we pre-wrote this month's entry bemoaning it's late opening... Well we had to tear up all the old copy and rewrite it, as come 28 May, there was more than enough red carpet rolled out onto the Soi, more than enough party balloons to go around, and more than enough free eats and drinks. A practiced eye would tell you that many millions of baht went into making this the nicest Nitespot on Soi Eden.
Tequila Dragon is more an Entertainment Complex, with the first (Ground) floor being an indoor-outdoor lounge. The second floor is lounge - Pool Bar, and the third floor is a VIP party room - replete with thick carpets and glass sculpture coffee tables. (By the way, they have already started making bookings for the VIP room.) They currently employ about 25 hostesses - dressed appropriately, as might be found on Soi 33 --And who knows how late they will be able to eventually stay open? None of the four partners is new to the Night Entertainment Field, so at least they went into this with their eyes open. It now only remains to be seen whether Fate deals them sevens or nines...
Sin is another Night Venue that would qualify for "Night Entertainment Complex". It is, however, probably better described as an exclusive Pool Hall with bars. The rooftop bar is open-air, and by both choice and luck, it is ideally situated to catch the cool evening breezes - one of the few non-air conditioned spots to get out of the Bangkok heat once the sun has gone down. Sin is located on Sukhumvit Soi 4, inside the Rajah Hotel Complex.
As our visit to Sin was just minutes before 01:00 a.m., we asked one of the bartendees what time they closed - to which she replied, "Later." As it works out, 'later' can be 06:00 a.m., if the number of customers so warrants. Our bartendee explained, however, that they had to ring up all the check-bin at 01:00 a.m., as they needed to keep the after-hours books separate from the normal hours. She further explained that drinks after that time were more expensive, to cover the cost of paying off the pillars of the community, Bangkok's Finest... Another person supplemented this with the comment that the senior Officer In A Too-Tight Uniform at Lumpini allowed flexible hours provided he gets his thirty percent of the after-hour takings. To which we replied, " Dis Thailan' you know, suh."
Easy Square has been in it's death throes for months, but the Hang Out Pool Bar & Lounge kept on hanging in there, as the walls were falling down around them - literally. We don't know whether they settled their tea-money battle with the primary land lease holder or not, but in early May, the Hang Out vacated premises (full story, pics above). Greener pastures, ladies.
(No news)
  --- Datzit Fernow
William R. Morledge
Copyright © Bangkok Eyes / bangkokeyes.com : 2002-2005