
Yes, that's correct, "Ask". I was approached by the attractive PR girl outside the Kiss and after a brief conversation I invited her in for a drink. Ask. "How much is a plain soda?" "120 baht." O.K., no problem. I offered to buy the girl a tequila. Ask. "How much is a tequila?" She advised me that it was 170 baht. O.K., no problem. Shortly, we were joined by her 'sister'. Standard Operating Procedure. Would I buy a drink for her sister? "Sure, I'll buy her a tequila too." The sister gulped it down and announced she was going to go dancing. 'Dinked' again, but hey, we all know how this works. Then the bill came, 1 soda - 120 baht, 1 tequila 170 baht, 1 tequila 200 baht. I Ask. "Why is this tequila 200 baht and yours only 170 baht?" "Oh, my sister is a coyote." My bad, I didn't Ask. "You buy me out? Only 800 baht." "Only how much?" I Ask. "Only 800 baht." "No thanks, I have to go see a man about a dog." "You give me a tip then?" "What?" I Ask rhetorically.
But had I bought her out, that would have been a total of 1,290 baht - and that would have been before adding in the cost of the evening's entertainment. By comparison, the 'special' at the full service massage parlors, the all inclusive 'package', runs about 2,000 baht, and you even get a massage thrown in. Is it any wonder that these massage parlors are sprouting up like mushrooms? Oh, and you also might want to compare the prices at the Patpongs......
Yes, we are all adults here, so we know that some places are more expensive than others, so if you don't like surprises, Ask.
Contributed by co-founder 'Boge' Hartman
