Description of Cheap Trick |
1.  The 'SUSPENSION-OF-DISBELIEF' Hook - Facile 'historical' references or documents which are supposed to give an aura of plausibility to even the most ludicrous of storylines. |
2.   The 'HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE' Sequence - Waking up from a hideous dream and sitting bolt-upright, covered in sweat, in a state of terror.  Of course, the nightmare always 'comes true'. |
3.  LONG SILENCES BROKEN BY SUDDEN LOUD NOISES - False alarms (except the last one) which have audiences lurching in their seats. |
4.   The "WE STICK TOGETHER" Pact - Where the group decides that sticking together is the ONLY way to survive the 'Bogey Man', but they NEVER do . . . . and they ALWAYS die. |
5.  'LIGHT-SWITCH-PHOBIA' - Someone will go off to investigate an eerie noise in the building, in the dark, simply because he/she hasn't bothered to switch the lights on.  Flashlights authorized if too lazy to switch on lights, but must be used with 'scary effect'.  Wavering music and / or lightning mandatory.
6.  "BACKWARD-WALKING FODDER" - Where a terror-stricken member of the cast starts walking backward until he/she invariably backs into the waiting "Bogey Man'. |
7.   The 'PRESCIENT CHILD' - A 'Haley Joel Osment-type' (Sixth Sense) who 'knows things'. |
8.  BELA LUGOSI 'WHITE ZOMBIE' (1932) Lighting - where the faces are lit from underneath to make them appear more frightening.   Also called the 'Halloween Effect' or the 'Summer-Camp-Ghost-Story Ploy'. |
9.  The "OPEN HOUSE" Syndrome - Where, despite a rampaging "Bogey Man', and an ongoing electrical storm, people still leave their windows wide open, curtains blowing in the wind. |
10.   The 'LONGEST NIGHT' Ploy - Everyone knows things are scarier at night, even Hollywood.  Therefore, a minimum of 95% of the film takes place at night. |
11.  The 'FALSE ENDING' - Where everyone thinks the 'Bogey Man' is dead, but he suddenly reappears for one last attack, before being 'finally killed'. |
12.  The 'SEQUEL HOOK' - Where, during the final scene, some small undetected occurrence will be seen (by the audience only) which lets us all know it isn't really over.