* Quote from on 20 Dec 03.

In http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/article/0,13673,501031229-565979,00.html :


"Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003
RETIRED. BERNARD TRINK, 72, revered and reviled newspaperman whose "Night Owl" column extolled for nearly four decades the sybaritic pleasures available to expatriate men in Thailand's capital; in Bangkok.  The Brooklyn-born Trink covered the city's go-go bars, massage parlors and pubs, making the rounds with his Thai wife in tow, owl medallion around his neck and maroon polyester pants hitched up to his chest.  He wrote in a retro style in which prostitutes were "demimondaines," and press releases were preceded by the phrase, "The tom toms have it ..."  His signature sign-off was, "But I don't give a hoot."  The column was one of the most popular on the Bangkok Post's website—on average, 30,000 readers logged on to digest it every week—but the Post has decided to drop it.  Said editor Veera Prateepchaikul: "Do you want something that's modern, or something from 30-40 years ago?"
