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01 December 2017
William R.  Morledge

December's Nightlife News
Bangkok's Bars - 20 Years Ago  
A Smile in the Land of Smiles.
Reader's Corner:  
Graffiti #141 : Say "Bagsy" ...

      If wrangling the after-midnight Nightclub crowd, the jazz crowd on weekends, launching late-night art exhibits, all the while battling four landlords at four different locations within one year doesn't qualify Check Inn 99's Chris Catto-Smith as a Master of the Dark Arts of Entertainment, then nothing does, or will.   Then add expressionist artist Chris Coles to the equation, who just launched a showing of his dark and evocative noir art on the walls of the Check Inn 99.   The icing on the cake is the entire noir exhibition is 'illuminated' in black light.   A Bangkok first - and perhaps a first anywhere - and the results are eerily spectacular.

Recorded at ambient audio level - to lowest.
 SOI  DEAD ARTISTS   (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)  

      The Check Inn 99, with its variety of live music and eats succeeds - entertainment-wise - wherever it has moved, and its new location on Sukhumvit 33 is no exception.   It has succeeded to the extent that it appears to have become the pivot-point, the catalyst that is turning around the previously slumping Entertainment Scene on Soi 33.

 SOI  DEAD ARTISTS   (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)  

      This MIDNITE HOUR Pictorial is our first such undertaking to employ mostly video.   And while our video clips highlight a fair sampling of the Coles black light exhibition, our coverage is far from comprehensive.   It really needs to be seen to be appreciated.

      We don't often recommend Nitespots (just as we do not take advertisements), however this just might be an unique opportunity for the Bangkok reader to take a trip down to the Check Inn 99 and make an evening of it.

Recorded at ambient audio level - to lowest.

 SOI  DEAD ARTISTS   (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)  



December's Thai Smile makes for a cheery year's end..

BOOKS ...worth a read !

( Click on book cover to order. )         ( Click on book cover to order. )



Join the 'Comments' page...

   Reader 1 :   Had forgotten to check out Bangkok Eyes then got a note from Bangkok Bill from California.   You out-did yourself.   Best ever.   Bar None..

   Reader 2:   I knew it'd be a big deal, but your summary really brought home just how big.

   Reader 3:   A commendable summary - an interesting thumbnail of that year of mourning the King.   A resident myself, I was not aware of the Royal project to provide assistance - your reference to "distinctive caps and gold 'scout' scarves".   Do you have a link to that?

   Midnite Hour:   We enclose a pic from the Nation - also, if, when you read this, you still have an opportunity to visit the cremation pavilion at Sanam Luang, you will see many such gold-scarf clad volunteers still in action.
Youngest Prince volunteers service.

   Reader 4:   Your coverage of the flower market at Pak Khlong Talat is the first I have come across in the English language to give comprehensive recognition to the vendors who went all out on decorations and volunteer service.
"Mountains" of white orchids - Pak Khlong Talat
Headline FAIL
   Reader:   "Collosal ?"   Some mistake surely !   Spellcheck.!   Cheers - Carry On.

   Midnite Hour:   We don't make mistrakes.. err.... oops...  we are in the process of changing it.   Unfortunately for us - our 'headline' is a .png file (photo file) and not text, so it missed our spell check. (How embarrassing...).   Many thanks for pointing this out...   (Note: We finally got around to correcting it...)
Rainbow II's Genealogy
   Reader:   In a beer quandary, we were trying to remember the original name of the downstairs Nana Plaza bar Rainbow II, located in the back right corner    Was it originally, or a part of, the old Hollywood?

   Midnite Hour:   The 'Hollywood' in its various incarnations was never in the corner spot.   The London Calling, next door to the corner spot, still has a sign which reads "Hollywood Rock" - the reason I mention this is there is apparently a difference between what is the likely registered 'Hollywood' name and 'London Calling'.   The original name of that bar (next door to the corner spot) was Hollywood Royal - and there have been variations on that name through the years.
      But your question was what was in the corner where today's Rainbow II is located.   If we don't count when it was part of The White Rabbit restaurant and inaccessible to patrons (storage?), then we should start with what it was originally intended to be called : The New York Junk Co.
      The New York Junk Co. never opened, instead it became the X.T.C. (Jan 94-Mar 95, then Feb 96-Jul 96).   It reopened as XXX Tacy (Jul 96 - Jun 97).   In August 97 it became the Rainbow II.
R&R Reminiscence - Prince Hotel
   Reader:   Browsing your Archives (Apr '06).   I came across a piece on the Prince Hotel.   It brought back many fond memories and a short funny story.   In 1965 I was a young airman sent over here to S.E. Asia by the US at the beginnings of the Viet Nam War.   We landed at Don Muang and were billeted at the Prince for a couple of days for processing before going up-country to our final destination of Tahkli RTAB.   I would return to The Prince a few times for R&R's over the course of a year.   I liked The Prince.   Comfortable, clean and I was in awe of the beautiful woodwork throughout the lobby.
      After retiring in the US, I returned to live here in Bangkok as an ex-pat.   Two years ago I took a walk over to The Prince from my apartment on Soi 23.   Looked around the lobby and chatted with the counter staff.   As I walked out the entrance, the doorman asked if I wanted a lady.   I replied- that's what your father asked me 50 years ago !
      I walked by the Prince last month and was sad to see the "closed permanently" sign.

   Midnite Hour:    I was actually around these parts in those days, but never set foot in the Prince until some time later, 1967 - if memory serves.....   I did leave Thailand for a while - a little over 7 years - returning in May 75.
      We tend to forget the Prince actually did serve the US military in those years.   I wish I had kept my JUSMAGTHAI 'Leased Facilities' listing from that era, as I am occasionally asked to provide a list of all the R&R hotels / JUSMAG facilities.   Ever hopeful, I may run across that listing while going through my old cardboard boxes...
Help Un-Wanted Department
   Reader 1:   Hi,
      Trust you are doing very well.   Do you want to see your website in Top 10 position in Google?   If yes, please let us know your domain name which you want to optimize.   We will run analysis on your website at no cost and send full report with all the points and where your website is missing.
      Please let me know your website URL then we will get back to you with our report on your website.
      Thanks & Regards,

   Reader 2:   Hello! is looking for a new owner :) we noticed you have and we thought you might want as well.   Only the name is on sale, no website.   If not, have a nice day!

   Midnite Hour:   We don't ordinarily respond to robot spams, but we are in hopes that, by way of the typical spam inquiries above, and this message, those website services offering help we did not request will cease and desist.   (Anita, we're dreaming...)


'Reader's Corner' moderator -

'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
*   Zootramp Publications


Let the December 2017 Follies  begin-

            Twilo Live were early off the mark in getting Christmas decorations up this November.   Other Nitespots were quick to follow.

            Patpong 1's Pussy Magic have opened their second upstairs "pay-for-show" outlet.   This time, in the old SuperGirl digs.   Just what Patpong 1 needs to hasten its spiral into oblivion...   (We note they took down the classic 'ape-hanger' chopper that was above the door all these years...   We hope it found a happy home...)

            The closed-again, open-again Thai Smile Bar is once again open.   How long it will stay that way is something even our bookie won't talk to us about...

            Last month we noted that renovations were proceeding on the recently closed Five Star.   We had predicted it would reopen by December (quite obvious to all), and so it has come to pass.   What we didn't predict was it would end up being one hot chicken shack.   Cowboy's narrowest A Go-Go is heavy into that which originally put Cowboy on the map.   (They might want to turn down the volume of the music by a couple hundred decibels, however, as it is currently necessary to shout your order into the khon-serb's ear in order to be heard.)   Let the good times roll.

     We at MIDNITE HOUR confess our bias.   Any new splash of real, old fashioned neon will turn our collective head.   The Five Star has done this, and done it in spades.   A knock-out.   The voting was unanimous - Five Star has the Door Art of the Month award for December.


   An interesting perspective of the upstairs bars at Nana Plaza.   BTW, still no commencement on the roof covering the center section.   After viewing from the third floor, we don't see any advantage in doing so.   We predict that once they have a close look at the down-time and the 'unforeseen consequences' (they will still have to handle the drainage during rainstorms, and the fire department will be returning one of these fine days - ahennh....), etc., that this project will die on the vine.   We would like to say, 'you heard it here first', but there are a number of people on the ground at Nana saying the same thing...

            Below a file pic of the tiny Yardbird, which did a quick close-down / reopen last month - almost while no one was watching.   Located in the Rajah Hotel compound.   Welcome them back to the nightcircus.

            The Fork & Cork have gone in for some interesting exterior decorations.   Where they got those antique toddler's cars is anybody's guess - real museum pieces.   The mini-autos and the child's tricycle in the window are not apropos anything - apparently just placed there to catch the eye.

 SOI  22  
            The Absolute Massage has taken over, lock, stock and Tiger Balm from Romruedee Day Spa & Massage which had only just opened last month in Subsoi Hana (see map).   But then we blinked once, and then again, and saw three other new massage parlors in that otherwise quiet soi.   It wasn't until we subsequently looked at our map that we realized three of the massage parlors on Subsoi Lemongrass go all the way through to Soi Hana, and they are now posting signs at their back doors.   Seems like good business to us - doubling the exposure should bring more custom...

 SOI  22  (Sukhumvit) 

            The upstairs Luna Lounge in the Honey Plaza have reopened, and reopened in style - now home to live music on some evenings...   
 SOI  22  (Sukhumvit) 

            The Butterfly Bar & Restaurant has popped out of its coffin and rolled the red carpet back out into that narrow, dark subsoi (figuratively speaking).   They, somehow, continue to find a way to make ends meet.   May they continue to muddle through at the hands of the fickle nightgods.
 SOI  22  (Sukhumvit) 

            Only last week we were at the Moderation Bar and there were so many customers we couldn't find a seat...   So, what gives?   Roller shutters padlocked to the deck, and nary a note pasted on the wall saying they would be returning...   We're taking them off the rolls for now, and will check back next round to see if there is any change in status.
 SOI  22  (Sukhumvit) 

            The Baobab Bar has opened up in what was up until three months ago, the popular Kasbar.   Welcome to the machine.
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 

            For several months, there was a small sign in Soi Ambassador's Soi 11/1 -tacked up on a single-shophouse door saying a bar would be opening there soon.   Well, 'soon' came and went, and still, there was no new bar.   But then last month, from somewhere out in left field, a double wide sports bar opened there.   Welcome the Lucky Shot to the bright lights, big city.
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 

            On the narrow Subsoi 11/2 (a soi barely wide enough for one motorcycle) the resilient Happy Station 11 bar beer managed to open its (figurative) door, and is trying once again to make a go of it.   Welcome them back to the sharkpool.
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 

            In the second small lane going into the Ambassador Hotel, there were a total of seven shoe-box sized massage parlors, four of which we reported as closed last issue.   This month the remaining three closed (listed below), and the hotel has blocked the lane in preparation for upcoming renovations.   Some Venues have posted signs showing their new locations, others have gone headlong into the Abyss.
      -  Nuan Massage 2
      -  Sawadee Krap Massage
      -  Smile Massage
(No photos available.)
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 

            Back in the right hand corner of QPP, the White Bar has taken over the next door The Lover Bar digs.   The Lover Bar ladies have gone to other Good Luck Bar venues in the compound.   The White Bar is having the official opening on 7 December, and everybody in the world is invited...
 QUEEN's  PARK  PLAZA  (Sukhumvit 22) 

            Cherry Bar has bought over Simple Bar 1 and all is continuing to march as before.   Welcome to partytown.   The original Simple Bar, just across the walkway, is still swinging.
 QUEEN's  PARK  PLAZA  (Sukhumvit 22) 

            The newly expanded Meaw Meaw Bar (having recently bought out Classic Bar) is once again up and running full steam ahead.   Welcome them back to the neighborhood.   Note: the reopening includes their small bar beer just across the path, which now also carries on just as before.
 QUEEN's  PARK  PLAZA  (Sukhumvit 22) 

            Last month, we saw work proceeding on not one, but two Kochoran massage parlors, two doors away from one another.   Our assumption was renovation would be completed on both, and they would be open by 1 December.   We were mistaken.   The old Kochoran, deeper in Soi Pan Pan, was being restored for turn back, and the new Kochoran has now opened in place of the original.   As it is now back on the firing line, we welcome it back to the Big Uneasy.

 SOI  DEAD  ARTISTS  (Sukhumvit 33) 

            The Fortune 17 Karaoke opened on schedule this November, and it is looking good.   As may be seen by ancillary signage, it is aiming at the Japanese market.   Welcome them as they throw their hat in the ring.

 SOI  DEAD  ARTISTS  (Sukhumvit 33) 

            We are going to have to wait a bit to see how things shake out, but as it now stands, a brand new Tenderloins 33 will, at a minimum, be opening in the downstairs portion of the Bistro 33.   The Bistro 33, for all appearances, now looks closed, however, it is in fact open on the second floor.   What remains to be seen is whether Tenderloins, the original, will stay open, and whether Bistro 33 will stay open - in one form or another....   We will definitely be following up next issue.   Check out the signage below - this two sides of a single digital sign....

 SOI  DEAD  ARTISTS  (Sukhumvit 33) 

            The oft-closed Shots Bar is once again shut down most tightly.   This time it looks permanent, as no chattel appeared to remain on premises - we hope we are wrong. We will keep our ear to the ground, and get back atcha.
 SOI  EDEN   (Sukhumvit 7/1) 

            The @ Chai Massage, having closed down several months back, reopened recently at half its original size.   This time around, it has gone the way of the Physornis, and it won't be coming back.   Greener grass, ladies.






With thanks to Cool Text -

Bangkok Eyes goes back in time to see
Who was new - And who was through
in the Expat Night Entertainment world.
How many of these old 'oases'
do you remember ?

Patpong I
December 1997

   *  The Sesso rip-off bar opened newly in the just closed Good Show.   Located above today's Thigh Bar.   Today, an unlicensed, unnamed rip-off 'massage' operates there.

Patpong 2
December 1997

   *  The P.P. Thai Traditional Massage reopened on the 3rd floor of the Cosmos stairwell.    No Nitespot currently occupies that space.

   *  The Bua Luang Restaurant opened in the real estate that is now The Strip.

   *  The Pinocchio's Club closed temporarily.   They are still at that location.

   *  The Trade Winds Pub dropped "Carpenters" from their name.   Those digs currently occupied by Vinai's Bar.

   *  The Pussy Center took over from the just-closed upstairs The Winner Bar on Soi Bookstore.   No Nitespot currently occupies that space.

   *  Kob's Place opened newly in the Marina Cocktail Lounge digs up on The Ramp.   Today, those premises are occupied by The World.

   *  The Nightwings Cocktail Lounge opened newly, next door to Three Ladies Cocktail Lounge - also up on The Ramp.   No Nitespot currently occupies those digs.

Soi Cowboy
December 1997

   *  An unnamed open bar opened near the Long Gun at the corner of Soi Asoke.   It would become Piccolo Entertainment, which is today's The Corner.

   *  Country Road incorporated the previously vacated Butterfly digs, becoming 4 shophouses wide.   Country Road is still at that location.

Nana Plaza
December 1997

   *    A new bar (unnamed a month ago) on the 3rd Level has this month officially been named Hollywood II Rock & Roll.

Soi Katoey
( Silom Soi 4 )
December 1997

   *    The Cactus Club closed down earlier, was reopened.   It was located just next-door, deeper in the Soi, to today's Banana Bar on 4.

Buckskin Joe Village
(~ November 1988 to November 2006)
(Also known -originally- as Tobacco Road or Soi Rot Fai or, 'The Tracks', and later as Machim [Thai] and Soi Zero)
November 1997

   *    The Moon Bar closed down.




Click Here



*Click Here*
Christopher G. Moore



















































But is it ....ART ?

Check out Bangkok's dedicated page at "BKK" <link>


   A socially and politically aware graffiti artist is making a mark in Rhondda Valley in Wales.   This artist, who has been dubbed 'Bagsy', -an obvious play on the 'Banksy' name- wishes not only to remain anonymous (like Banksy), but also wants to keep 'gender' a question-mark.   'No better way to become well-known than to remain anonymous'...

   Bagsy, who's claim to fame, or at least, claim to recognition, is producing original ballpoint pen art - on local shopping-bags.   ...We're not making this up.   But art alone will not make a dent in the real world without some palaver, some self-description to give it at least a presumed relevance.   -Something in which Bagsy unashamedly indulges;   says Bagsy, "Bagsy considers itself to be an alternative tourism campaign for the Rhondda Valley."   -Perhaps not the loftiest of goals, but nevertheless, a local run-away success.

   Bagsy's themed artwork is keyed to local personalities, historical items and life in general.   Images on a variety of shopping bags include : Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood,  19th century mine owner Archibald Hood,  Our Lady of Penrhys statue,  Children in downhill gambo-racing carts, and Sheep in a rural valley.

   Bagsy's message is uncomplicated, yet has struck a local (and now international) chord.   Bagsy's motto: "Who’s bag is this carrier?”   Bagsy goes on to say (a compilation), "Scenes are inspired by the Rhondda valleys and are selected purely for their recognisability. I want to promote the area as graffiti shouldn't create an eyesore...",   "Bagsy will continue as long as people keep liking....",   "I hope people will love them as much as Bagsy enjoys making them....",   “This project pays homages to the notoriety of Banksy and the accessibility of street art.   I want to be a rebel with a cause....",   “Bagsy wishes to make no political statement, Bagsy just wants to bring joy and excitement to the every day....",   and “Bagsy will remain anonymous until anonymity is broken."

   Needless to say, Bagsy's bags are becoming collectors' items, and not the reusable shopping bags for which they were originally intended.   Keep on keeping on....

Graphic excerpts above are from Internet sources, and are, under current legal precedents and prevailing interpretations
considered 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law.   Copyright of all original artwork resides exclusively with the artists.

With thanks to Cool

Graffiti #1002
Dollar Polly
8 ft high x 17 ft

Graffiti #1003
Cheezy Chucky
8ft high x 8 ft

Graffiti #1004
Sticker Boy Dancer
6 ft high x 6 ft

Graffiti #1005
Monkey's Heart
8 ft high x 37 ft

Graffiti #1006
Looking For It
10 ft high x 8 ft

Graffiti #1007
Green Lanternhead
6 ft high x 5 ft

Graffiti #1008
Ghost Kites
7 ft high x 13 ft

Bangkok Eyes is an historically based news outlet, and as such, all graphic excerpts herein are considered, under current legal precedents and
prevailing interpretations, 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law.   Copyright of any original artwork resides exclusively with the artists.

Bangkok's original site !

Graffiti Page is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman .

(Boge's photo, above, is not a graffiti per-se, although there are those who have insinuated....
- Ed)

--- Datzit Fernow

William R. Morledge


"The Archives" - All Our Back Issues Here

- 2018 -
01 JAN -   
- 2017 -
01 JAN -   Soi 22 - the Survivor
01 FEB -    Hua Hin Nights
01 MAR -   Hooking-Up
01 APR -    Soi Than Tawan
01 MAY -    Our Saloon-Count Surveys
01 JUN -    Soi Bua Khao
01 JUL -    Soi 8 - Work In Progress
01 AUG -    NO PHOTO (more or less)
01 SEP -    Stickman Calls 'Time'
01 OCT -    Sweet Black Angel
01 NOV -    Thai King At Rest
01 DEC -   

- 2016 -
01 JAN -   Railway Bazaar
01 FEB -   Sukhumvit Square Justice
01 MAR -    Paint the Neon Night
01 APR -    Udom Suk Reviste
01 MAY -    Soi Thaniya
01 JUN -    Soi Thonglor Re-up
01 JUL -    Massage Parlor Row
01 AUG -    Check Inn 99
01 SEP -    Pattaya A Go-Go
01 OCT -    Bangkok's Nitelife Maps
01 NOV -    Nitespot Demographics
01 DEC -    Pattaya's Soi 6

- 2015 -
01 JAN -    A Go-Go Bar Ratings
01 FEB -    Are Cops Gouging Nitelifers?
01 MAR -   Bad Company
01 APR -    LK Metro - Pattaya
01 MAY -    Soi 33 goes East
01 JUN -    Rachada Fades
01 JUL -    Freelancers
01 AUG -    Nana Plaza Map 2015
01 SEP -    Soi Nana Map 2015
01 OCT -    Walking Street - Pattaya
01 NOV -    Rachada - The Giant
01 DEC -    A Go-Go's Story

- 2014 -
01 JAN -   Bangkok's Got The Blues
01 FEB -   Soi 26 - Stayin' Alive
01 MAR -    Nightscene rues Mob
01 APR -    My Friend owns a Bar...
01 MAY -    Soi's 3, 5 and 7
01 JUN -    Curfew's Costly Cut
01 JUL -    Soi 13 Makes It's Move
01 AUG -    Pattaya Does The Twist
01 SEP -    Soi's 18 & 20 - Quieter is Better
01 OCT -    Soi's 10 & 14 - Lesser known Sois
01 NOV -    A Good Old Boy...
01 DEC -    Lang Suan & Sarasin

- 2013 -
01 JAN -    Not Fade Away - The Survivors
01 FEB -    Rare Old Photos
01 MAR -   Copa Reprise
01 APR -    Arise, Soi 22
01 MAY -    Where to Next ?
01 JUN -    Bangkok Noir
01 JUL -    MAPS - The Major Update
01 AUG -    Lamai Lamai Lamai
01 SEP -    Tim 'Wanchai' Young
01 OCT -    Soi Wall Street
01 NOV -    Little Thonglor - Soi 11
01 DEC -    Mississippi Queen

- 2012 -
01 JAN -    Mama-San
01 FEB -    Our 10th Anniversary Issue !
01 MAR -    How Gay Nana ?
01 APR -    Sukhumvit' Soi 23 - The Big Picture
01 MAY -    Khao San Road - Unique Bazaar
01 JUN -    Ekamai - It Used To Be Too Far
01 JUL -    Nightlife Pioneers
01 AUG -    The New Puritans
01 SEP -    Nana - On It's Own
01 OCT -    FAIL - War on Nitespot Drugs
01 NOV -    Patpong Unbroken
01 DEC -    Drugs & the Nightscene in History
- 2011 -
01 JAN -    Patpong's 'Glory Days'
01 FEB -    Nightlife In A Digital Age
01 MAR -    Co-Co Walk Plaza
01 APR -    Soi 33 Septemberes On
01 MAY -    Nightlife Permissiveness
01 JUN -    Ghosts of Nitelife Past
01 JUL -    STATE - The Cinema, Soi & Area
01 AUG -    Soi Darling
01 SEP -    Sri Nakarin South
01 OCT -    Soi 8 Reprise
01 NOV -    Floodless in Bangkok
01 DEC -    Soi Udomsuk

- 2010 -
01 JAN -    Street Bars II - The triple-Dip
01 FEB -    Our Kind Of Art - II    - Chris Coles
01 MAR -    The Dead Artist Bars - Soi 33
01 APR -    "Soi Ginza" - Thaniya Road
01 MAY -    Night Scene Blues (Red Shirts 1)
01 JUN -    Nitespots Recover Slowly (Reds 2)
01 JUL -    World Cup Special
01 AUG -    Those Old Photos
01 SEP -    The German Invasion
01 OCT -    Racism & Prejudice
01 NOV -    Soi 11 Revisited
01 DEC -    Soi 22 Updater

- 2009 -
01 JAN -    The Santika Fire
01 FEB -    Salt & Pepper
01 MAR -    Nana Plaza - Update & Maps
01 APR -    Soi Nana Update
01 MAY -    The Nightscene & The Riots
01 JUN -    "19" Re-Focus
01 JUL -    Rain Dogs - The Underground
01 AUG -    Soi Thonglor - A bridge-too-far
01 SEP -    Ban Chang - Our Little Secret
01 OCT -    The "Ginza Effect'
01 NOV -    Royal City Avenue (RCA)
01 DEC -    Sutthisan & The Inthamara's

- 2008 -
01 JAN -    2007 - Looking Back
01 FEB -    Owning A Bar
01 MAR -    Expat's Bangkok
01 APR -    Nude Dancing
01 MAY -    After Midnite
01 JUN -    Night Scene In Flux
01 JUL -    Our Kind Of Art
01 AUG -    trendy Plaza Reprise
01 SEP -    The Elephants Are ....Back
01 OCT -    Grand Prix Intro
01 NOV -    Grand Prix - Rick's Story
01 DEC -    "Old Bangkok Hand"

- 2007 -
01 JAN -    Bombs Blast Bangkok
01 FEB -    Bangkok's Nightscene Websites
01 MAR -    Prasitipol Dance Bar To Fall
01 APR -    Soi 5 Neon Review
01 MAY -    A Go-Go Bangkok
01 JUN -    Arise ! Soi 11
01 JUL -    Anatomy Of A Bar Area
01 AUG -    Soi 26 - Too Far ?
01 SEP -    Chuwit Guilty
01 OCT -    Daytime Nana Plaza
01 NOV -    Cowboy - All Of It
01 DEC -    Another Nitespot Area Falls

- 2006 -
01 JAN -    Pattaya Ascending
01 FEB -    A Go-Go Then & Now
01 MAR -    ' Madrid '
01 APR -    White Heat
01 MAY -    Politics & Nightlife
01 JUN -    Fagin's Bratpack
01 JUL -    King Bhumibol's 60th Anniversary
01 AUG -    Soi 10 - The Final Shaft
01 SEP -    Pattaya's Soi Bua Khow
01 OCT -    Rachada's Other Face
01 NOV -    Soi 22s Other Bars
01 DEC -    Soi Eden Goes A Go-Go

- 2005 -
01 JAN -    Asoke Plaza Crushed
01 FEB -    The 'Nana Scene'
01 MAR -    Asoke Plaza Smashed Again
01 APR -    Sukhumvit 1 Plaza 'Arrives'
01 MAY -    Welcome 'Soi Eden'
01 JUN -    Bangkok's Bareback Riders
01 JUL -    Soi 22 - A Macro View
01 AUG -    Nana's Slide
01 SEP -    Cowboy Street Scene
01 OCT -    The Pattaya Run
01 NOV -    Soi 19 In Focus
01 DEC -    Bad Girls

- 2004 -
01 JAN -    Bangkok's Darkest Year
01 FEB -    Where Is trink ?
01 MAR -    Soi 33 Just Won't Stop
01 APR -    Cracks In The Crackdown
01 MAY -    In The Zone
01 JUN -    "Night-Scene Jumbos
01 JUL -    Easy Square 'On The Map'
01 AUG -    Soi 1 Entertainment Plaza
01 SEP -    Khlong Toey Revisited
01 OCT -    Koh Samui's Night Scene
01 NOV -    Soi 1 Opens
01 DEC -  &nbnbsp; The Bangkok Pub Scene

- 2003 -
01 JAN -    Cowboy Crackdown
01 FEB -    Sukhumvit Square Smashed
01 MAR -    Soi 10 Survivors
01 APR -    War & The Night Scene
01 MAY -    Entertainment Blues
01 JUN -    '13 Night Market' Reborn
01 JUL -    Clinton Plaza Falls
01 AUG -    Soi 24 Nightscene Review
01 SEP -    Does Soi Nana Measure Up?
01 OCT -    Patpong - Legend & Myth
01 NOV -    Easy Square 'Launched'
01 DEC -    Soi Cowboy Urine-Swoop

- 2002 -
01 FEB -    January: Big Changes In Bar Scene
09 JUN -    Sukhumvit Square 'Explosion'

20 JUN -    Soi 22's Queen's Park Plaza
01 JUL -    Clinton Plaza - Already Dead?
01 AUG -    Bar Beers Now "Major Players"
16 AUG -    July: Bar Beers Gaining Ground
01 SEP -    A Go-Gos A-building
17 SEP -    Virtual Bars
01 OCT -    A History In The Making
01 NOV -    Pool Bars Come Of Age
01 DEC -    November's Night Follies
15 DEC -    Genesis: Sukhumvit's Night Scene

01 JAN -    Seminal Survey -Paradisio Closes
- 2001 -
01 JAN -    Baccara opens in Cowboy
01 FEB -    Club Habanos Closes - PP1
01 MAR -    Ferang Connection Closes - Nana
01 APR -    Rock Hard BB Open - Clinton Pl.
01 MAY -    Las Vegas Opens - Cowboy
01 JUN -    'Wall Street' Opens - Soi 33
01 JUL -    Vixens Closes - Nana
01 AUG -    6 A Go-Go's Shut - Clinton Pl.
01 SEP -    Pussy Collection Opens - PP1
01 OCT -    Girl Friend Closes - PP1
01 NOV -    Rainbow III Opens - Nana
01 DEC -    White House Reopens - Clinton Pl.

- 2000 -
JAN -    'Cowboy Annex' Starts Up
FEB -    Agogo 2000 new at Nana
MAR -    Flowers - Clinton's 1st A Go-Go
APR -    Angel Witch new at Nana
MAY -    Dubliner now at Washington Sq
JUN -    Coco Loco opens at Clinton Pl.
JUL -    Bottoms Up new at Nana
AUG -    Crack House opens at Clinton Pl.
SEP -    Doll House / White House open at Clinton
OCT -    Rock Hard to open at Clinton Pl.
NOV -    Big Dogs opens at Nana
DEC -    Lolita opens in Cowboy Annex

- 1999 -
JAN -    Masquerade Closes @ Nana
FEB -    "Entertainment Plaza" Start-Up
MAR -    SuperStar is PP SuperBar !
APR -    Washington Square goes Critical
MAY-    New Klymaxx closes (Cowboy)
JUN -    'Wet Lips opens (Cowboy)
JUL -    Sam 2000 opens (Cowboy)
AUG -    Monica's opens (Clinton Plaza)
SEP -    Muzzik Cafe open on PP1
OCT -    No Probl'm now Cat's Meow
NOV -    Titty Twisters opens at Nana
DEC -    Londoner Brew Pub new on Soi 33
- 1998 -
JAN -    Nancy Bar opens on Floor 2, Nana
FEB -    Tabasco Charlies opens - (NEP)
MAR -    Cowboy 2 is a 'Pizzaria' - Soi Cowboy
APR -    New A Go Go Duck opens - Cowboy
MAY -    Raw Hide opens on Cowboy
JUN -    Para Disio opens - Floors 2 & 3 - NEP
JUL -    Patpong Cafe opens - PP2
AUG -    'Funny Girls' becomes 'Girlfriend' - PP1
SEP -    Masquerade opens on 3rd Floor - NEP
OCT -    Virgo opens on Cowboy
NOV -    Obsession, Beverly Hills, Red Lips open
DEC -    Lucifer Disko Tk opens atop Radio City

- 1997 -
JAN -    'Hot Rods' opens @ Nana
FEB -    Crazy Lady closes (Nana)
MAR -    3 Lounges closed - 'The Ramp'
APR -    Blue Sky Bar closes - PP1
MAY -    Crackdown at Nana
JUN -    Crystal Palace opens - PP2
JUL -    Limelight closes - PP1
AUG -    Rainbow II opens @ Nana
SEP -    Cowboy's Butterfly Gone
OCT -    Shadow drops Crazy Jack (Cowboy)
NOV -    Hollywood 2 now on 3rd Floor (NEP)
DEC -    Susies opens @ Buckskin Joe Village
- 1996 -
JAN -    Shooters opens on 3rd Floor (NEP)
FEB -    XTC Closes, then Reopens (NEP)
MAR -    Tapas back on line (Soi Katoey)
APR -    Long Gun expands (2X) [Cowboy]
MAY -    Apache reopens on 'The Boy'
JUN -    Pink Panther "upstairs" closes
JUL -    Iconic Mile's Place gone...
AUG -    Upstairs Touch Bar closes (PP1)
SEP -    Pharaoh opens in NEP carpark
OCT -    Spirit House opens in NEP
NOV -    Crazy Lady opens in NEP
DEC -    Long Gun 2 opens (now Rawhide)

- 1995 -
JAN -    PP1 Butterfly Closed
FEB -    Camelot Castle Opens
MAR -    NEPs Bubble Gum gone...
APR -    Tiny 'Imagine' Closed
MAY -    (Quietest month on record)
JUN -    NEPs Mon Cherie axed
JUL -    Play Skool opens (NEP)
AUG -    Opium Club new on The Ramp
SEP -    D.L Irish Pub (ex: Bamboo's)
OCT -    NEP 3rd Floor Opens
NOV -    Klymaxx 2 opens on Cowboy
DEC -    Chicks opens upstairs (PP1)
- 1994 -
JAN -    Takara Bar opens upstairs
FEB -    Big Blue 1 now on Cowboy
MAR -    Playboy opens ex: Takara Bar
APR -    Pretty Girl opens in Nana
MAY -    Smile Club opens at last
JUN -    Sawasdee Club opens in PP2
JUL -    Bumble Bee new in Cowboy
AUG -    Queen's Castle II axes Suzie Wong
SEP -    Voodoo opens in Nana
OCT -    SuperStar closes then reopens
NOV -    Radio City takes over Smile Club
DEC -    Marina take over Montana on Ramp

- 1993 -
JAN -       -
FEB -       -
MAR -   Saloons - More Areas Added
APR -    Saloons -Adding "Nana"
MAY -    Red Diamond Closed
JUN -    Saloons - Tomatohead Closes
JUL -    Pretty Lady A Go Go
AUG -    Mars Party House closed
SEP -    Matterhorn & Star Pub
OCT -    Sawasdee Cocktail Lounge - New
NOV -    Thigh Bar name change
DEC -    Smile Club to open...
- 1990 -
JAN -    Buckskin Joe - Initial Survey

- 1989 -
Copyright 1989 - 2017    BANGKOK EYES -