It wasn't that many months ago that Stickman decided to spend more time at home (New Zealand), and less time here in Bangkok. Should he keep the Stickman website running or close it down? Rather than close down, he found a strategic partner who bought in for 2/3 of the action. Part of that deal was Stickman would continue to produce the website, both from New Zealand, and through his periodic visits to Bangkok. The rest of that deal - he would be paid for doing so by the majority partner.
Stickman taps out - figuratively speaking, of course.....
That arrangement worked for a while: Stickman continued to produce a quality website each week, and was duly paid for his efforts. That is, he was duly paid for his efforts until he wasn't. An extended negotiation, or perhaps, 'discussion' ensued, however, in the end, Stickman drew a line in the sand - no pay, no play. As of last week, we saw the last issue of Stickman (the website) produced by Stickman (the person).
An out-take of the familiar Stickman homepage - which began our every-Sunday evening read... (Copyright
Stickman's many followers (including all at MIDNITE HOUR) will be disappointed; this Bangkok Nightlife website had become a mainstay of the 'Bangkok Scene' - followers world wide. While officially opening (in the format we have become accustomed to) in April of 2001, it was preceeded by not only one Stickman blog, but two, dating back to 1998. This would make Stickman the longest continuous, active Internet commentator on Nightlife in Thailand (emphasis on 'continuous' and 'active').
To be sure, the Stickman website remains up on the www, and that is where we hope it will remain. From an historical perspective, the trove of archived issues on his site should not be allowed to disappear - a ready reference to anyone wanting to travel back in time to 'get the feel' of Bangkok's dynamic Nightlife.
One can't blame the majority partner for trying to keep the site "alive" with reader submissions, now that Stickman has departed. However, all said and done, that which made Stickman a success was hard work and years of dealing with Entertainment Venue operators and the variegated, multitudinous cross-section of nightcrawlers. (Or to say the same thing another way; Stickman's hands-on 'experience'). And, most importantly for the success and longevity of the site: ORIGINAL CONTENT - not 'aggrigate' reporting. The future of the site does not look bright ahead.
Nevertheless, Stickman, currently in New Zealand, hasn't burnt all bridges. He is quite sure he needs a rest, and after that, all is possible. As they say, 'a rest is as good as a change', so we, of course, are encouraging an eventual return to the fray....
I normally go to (MIDNITE) HOUR site monthly, always good for some interest. Definitely look up your site before a visit - it's now that time.
Just one thing though, your maps. I'd like to visit some of the places you feature, but often have no idea where they might be!
Eg. Soi Eden - click on the map and I'm none the wiser! Please, a soi number? And Soi Eden is not the only one!
Cheers and Thank You,
Greetings, BAH,
Thanks for reading and for writing in. Thanks also for the recommendation. Sometimes we take a lot for granted, and assume the readers will somehow know these things. We have redone the Soi Eden map (above) and will endeavor to improve on the other maps in the near future.
We can answer virtually any (reasonable) question on the Expat Night Entertainment Scene in Bangkok - be it Historical or very recent. Send us an e-mail and we will do our best to answer you soonest.
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
When Dragon's Head opened originally, they had a great menu and great warm sake, but for some reason, didn't have many customers. A couple months ago, they brought in live music, and that did the trick - the place was always full. So imagine everyone's surprise when we walked by and saw it had become The Paddy Field. Go figger... Nonetheless, may the nightwinds blow kindly....
The outside bar-beer area in front of True Obsession has had a mini-van bar parked there for the last few months. As it doesn't look like it is going anywhere (it doesn't have an engine), we thought we would take note...
Butterflies A Go-Go up on the 3rd floor reopened much sooner than the local pundits had predicted - the presumed violation being their having an underage person on premises. It was never revealed whether this was an employee or a customer. Welcome back to the machine.
The Night Witch Bangkok, opened only 3 months ago, is not only closed - it is gone. Only the bare steel structure remains. Looks like someone didn't read his Business Plans For Dummies.
The Fortune Bar Restaurant (located across from the entrance to Soi 6) is no more. Renovations proceeding rapidly. Lets wait and see if it comes back to life....
The old Lounge 4 closed ages ago, and the property was mostly, if not officially, part of 4 Sport's. This property is now under redevelopment - wait and see.... When we hear anything, we shall duly report. (Note: 4 Sport's is still at its original location, going balls-to-the-walls...)
What was, up until several months ago, Taffy's Faulty Towers - is now the Keep In Touch Bar. Located deep in Soi 22'sSubsoi Starlight, you won't find a more laid-back bar in Bangkok - in fact, it is very likely you won't find this bar, either. But give it a try, anyway. We wish them constancy.
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit)
At the back of the small soi just past the Marriott Hotel (...the small soi which should be named, "Soi Massage Parlor"), the Sweet Heart Rita Massage has taken over the reins from the Candy Massage. May they continue to slip and slide...,
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit)
Am's Bar has, just days ago, opened their doors and rolled out the red carpet. They are located in the space previously home to Thongpattaya Massage. Welcome them to the nightcircus.
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit)
The long-standing Sakura Massage across from Queen's Park Plaza has fallen headlong into the Abyss. In its place is the new Butterfly Masasage. The actual Butterfly emblem looks suspiciously like the butterfly signage at a massage parlor in Sukhumvit Soi 18... Any relation?
Wax Sugar Club have taken down their signage (as seen in the file photo below) and have bolted the doors to the floor. May the fates treat them more kindly - wherever they may land...
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit Soi 11)
The super-comfortable outdoor Kazbar is no more. (Pic below as seen in happier times....) Greener grass, gents....
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit Soi 11)
The Harmony 2 Massage, located on the ground level behind the parking lot in the Fenix Bldg, didn't stand a chance - it was nearly impossible to see by foot traffic on a Soi which is otherwise chock-full of massage parlors. It was just a matter of time. Ashes to ashes, so be it, then....
The Gents is a brand-new lounge-bar in QPP - it took over, lock, stock and chrome barstool from Opium's Den, which only recently foundered on Fate's rocky shores. Welcome The Gents to the briar patch....
QUEEN's PARK PLAZA (Sukhumvit 22)
A couple months back, we noted the opening of both White Bar and The Lover at the back of QPP. We included a pic which showed both, and promised to provide pics of their signage at a later date. Below is that signage - and if we may be so bold, would either, or both, bars consider some real neon signage? Just sayin'.
At long last, the beleaguered Check Inn 99 had its soft opening in the old Christie's Club digs. The battle has been long and hard-fought - this is their 4th location within the year, and has included the almost obligatory bloody battles with co-partners and local construction teams. We mentioned 'soft opening' and we weren't kidding : much of the lighting and many of the traditional features of the Check Inn we have known through the years are not yet up and running. Nevertheless, the night we visited, even though the lights were barely turned on, there were already a dozen tables occupied with customers, new and old. Auspicious signs - the place appears to be an entertainment magnet. As Jerry Lee Lewis once opined, "We think you're going to like it, just you wait and see..." May they have finally found the home they have been seeking....
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
The Amethyst Massage now having been relegated to the dustbin of history, the brand new Hera's Massage has jumped in to take its place. A number of friendly masseuses await on the doorstep to tempt the passers-by. May lady luck smile...
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
Up until last month, the Blue Heaven and its upstairs 33 Bangkan Japanese Karaoke resided at the back of the small lane beside Tenderloins. They have relocated, intact, deep into Soi Pan Pan.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
The Angels Club have opened newly at the old Napoleon / Santana digs. Wish Angels Club well as they give a roll to the dice. (The Napoleon relocated to the back of Soi 39 Sukhumvit.)
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
The Himawari Snack Bar & Karaoke has gone the way of the Phorusrhacos longissimus. It's a neon jungle out there.... The property is now up for lease or rent.
Mike's Corner continues to be a pleasant, out of the way spot to sit out-of-doors and enjoy the (very inexpensive) beer. (They occupy the entrance area to Maxim's Inn at the back of the Soi.)
A For-The-Archives shot of the 'Twilight Zone' - mostly quiet on these rainy evenings....
The Marine Bar / Disco is one of the oldest Nitespots on Pattaya'sWalking Street. It started out nearer the central area of Walking Street, but now resides deeper into the Night Entertainment Area - and is bigger and better than ever (bigger by almost double the road frontage/ useable area). May they persevere.
Even the MIDNITE HOUR can fight 'progress' for only so long. As much as we prefer real neon signage, the Marine Bar / Disco's 60 foot, blazing, animated, LED sign is something that cannot be ignored. The way of the futue, we lament, nonetheless, a spectacular facade - this month's unequivocal choice for "Door Art Of The Month".
Bangkok Eyes goes back in time to
Who was new - And who was through
in the Expat Night Entertainment world.
How many of these old 'oases'
do you remember ?
Patpong I
September 1997
* Above Radio City, the J-Ju Pub & Karaoke closed down. J-Ju would reopen as the Lucifer Disco (now also closed). (Radio City has since gone through a number of name-changes, but is now once again 'Radio City' - to include the upstairs portion that once was J-Ju.)
Patpong 2
September 1997
*Family opened upstairs on Soi Bookstore where, up until then, 7 Dragons carried forth. Currently no Nitespot occupies that space.
*Marina Cocktail Lounge up on The Ramp closed down for renovations. No Nitespot currently occupies those premises.
Soi Cowboy
September 1997
*The Butterfly closed down. It would eventually be absorbed by the next-door Country Road. The Country Road is still at that location.
Nana Plaza
September 1997
* The open-fronted, 2nd LevelBangkok Kitchen & Bar closed down to make way for Beer Conner II (sic). No Venue currently exists at that spot.
Soi Katoey ( Silom Soi 4 )
September 1997
*The Hype (Hyper The Un Pub) reopened, dropping "Airbus" from its name. They were located where today;s Connections calls home.
*The Cactus Club closed down. They were located in today's The Stranger digs.
*Deeper moved into the just-closed T Bar property. Located next door (Silom Road side) to the now-closed Helene's Place.
Buckskin Joe Village (~ September 1988 to September 2006)
(Also known -originally- as Tobacco Road or Soi Rot Fai or, 'The Tracks', and later as Machim [Thai] and Soi Zero)
September 1997
* The Banana Bar opened newly between Another Bar and i 3 Bar.
*Play Bar added 'Fair' to become Fair Play Bar.
* The Australia Bar opened newly between Linda Bar and Up Country Bar.
Recidivist vandal Robert Dyer, 49, has been spraypainting in public places since he was 12 years old, and admits he's a compulsive graffiti-junkie.
During that thirty-seven year spree (aside from becoming one of New York's notorious 'graffiti legends') Dyer has piled up 13 arrests. Said arrests were mostly for vandalism / graffiti, but also for various larcenies and criminal mischief as a teen / young adult, and also include a 2004 arrest for assault, according to New York police. As a youth, he found himself in and out of various juvenile detention halls, eventually landing at Hawthorne Cedar Knolls High School for troubled youth. From which, he did graduate - and on returning to New York, proceeded onward and upward in nurturing his overarching compulsion - graffiti.
But it's not like Dyer didn't have a daytime job - he was eventually employed at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (where he continues to work to this day). It was only at night this Jekyll & Hyde slipped into the shadows, usually to join his 357 Crew, with spraycans and markers tucked deeply into deeper pockets....
Back in 2015, a 19th Precinct police officer by the name of Tarik Hunter began tracking the ubiquitous "RD" graffiti tags - most of which appeared between East 60th / East 70th and York Ave / Lexington Ave. Considering Dyer's past arrests and police knowledge of the Precinct, it was virtually certain who the vandal was.... (Dyer had been dubbed by the Precinct "a one-man quality-of-life blight" over a decade ago, and it was no coincidence that "RD" happened to be Dyer's initials).
But obtaining irrefutable proof was entirely another matter, and that was something the police did not have. However, enough was finally enough; six months ago, after the appearance of literally thousands of "RD" tags covering that part of New York City, a full-fledged investigation was launched.
Fast-forward to two weeks ago - a breakthrough in the investigation brought it to a quick conclusion. Sleuth cop Tarik Hunter came across Dyer'sInstagram account which -surprise, surprise- had all the full-color evidence one could hope for. Dyer was arrested outside his home, marker in pocket - and charged with 82 separate acts of vandalism. His court case will be coming up this September 20th.
Dyer says he will be going straight this time, giving up the life of a vandal forever. -And by that he means this : he will continue to throw-up his now 'famous' RD tag onto retired city signs, and produce canvasses of his more well-known graffiti to sell on E-Bay. -For which, because of a life of petty crime, he has undisputed "street cred" - and can ask upwards of US$ 3,000 a pop ....
Graphic excerpts above are from Internet sources, and are, under current legal precedents and prevailing interpretations considered 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law. Copyright of all original artwork resides exclusively with the artists.
Graffiti #981
11 ft high x 13 ft
Graffiti #982
8 ft high x 25 ft
Graffiti #983
Corner Ghoster
8 ft high x 3 ft
Graffiti #984
Hallowed Bill
8 ft high x13 ft
Graffiti #985
Phra Zahu
8 ft high x 14 ft
Graffiti #986
10 ft high x 10 ft (center panel)
Graffiti #987
8 ft high x 16 ft
Bangkok Eyes is an historical news outlet, and as such, all graphic excerpts herein are considered, under current legal precedents and
prevailing interpretations, 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law. Copyright of any original artwork resides exclusively with the artists.
Bangkok's original site !
The MIDNITE HOUR Graffiti Page is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman .
(Boge's photo, above, is not a graffitiper-se, although there are those who have insinuated....