fter literally years of head-scratching, BANGKOK EYES has decided to go retro. (Decisions are always easier to make when the alternatives are, 'Yes' and 'No'.) We have gone back, back, back to when we were a private-distribution monthly 'tabloid' which we produced on the nearest Xerox machine, and which we originally fancied to call, Saloon-Count / A Zootramp Publication. We shall, commencing this month, republish these reformatted (for the Internet) 'Saloon-Counts' in our Archives at the bottom of the home page.
Here is a sample page (also found below in our Archives):
(All Downstairs, Under the expressway across from Sukhumvit Soi 1.)
Right Side (walking in)
Butterfly Bar
Friend Bar
Tui's Bar
Kiss Me Bar
Silk's Carousel
Lady Preeya Beer Bar/Snacks
Bli Franzer
Horseshoe Bar
Diamond A-Go-Go
Cedar Bar
Left Side (walking in)
Sexy Night
Cocktail & Dream Bar
Three Roses Saloon
Happy Rose
Drinks & Dreams
Sunset Beerplace
Siamese Kiss
Three Sister Bar
Jay Bar
Honny (sic) Bar
We have absolutely no recollection as to how we came up with that name - ahh, the 'mysteries of the Orient'. While the project to reformat and upload our "basement tapes" will take a number of months, we are looking forward to it with some pleasurable anticipation. ('Pleasure', perhaps, at being able to make up our own minds...?)
Over the years, from our first Xerox distributions to our hemming-and-hawing over what to do with the Internet (email distributions?), to some unsatisfying 'protoblogs', to toying with going 'full-website', we have been having a lot of fun being 'communication Luddites'. Fortunately, for us, our goals eventually became clearer, our dedication to remain independent became stronger, our interest in retaining an historical repository of the Night Life became more functional.
These "new" additions (the Saloon-Counts) to our Archives will necessarily have more appeal to the historians and to those visitors to Thailand from long ago, and will provide answers to a lot of readers' questions directly. So, historians, curious animals, solvers of arguments - happy exploring.
Can I ask about your Historically Speaking column each month for bars 20 or more years ago? I realize you say you survey each month, but how do you keep straight which bars were there at a specific location before some new bar that just opened, and which bars are there now? Do you also make maps every month and mark up the maps?
Thank you,
Greetings Rob,
That's an easy one.... While we do have maps which are updated periodically (some of which are published in MIDNITE HOUR), our survey sheets are laid out in order, that is to say, as if they were a primitive map of sorts (check out the sample in the lead story above). In addition, we write on each updated survey which bars are new, and which bars they have replaced. So it is just a matter of referring to the old surveys, where the information is already spelled out.
We can answer virtually any (reasonable) question on the Expat Night Entertainment Scene in Bangkok - be it Historical or
very recent. Send us an e-mail and we will do our best to answer you soonest.
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
SuperStar's bar beer, which wraps around the corner and stretches almost to PPII, has been there for years in one form or another. We thought it high-time for an archive shot....
The Top Light
has magically reappeared after a couple months in the ether.... We'd wish them, 'Welcome home,' but we are afraid they'll be closed again by the time they receive our missive....
An advance pic of the structure being erected in the Soi 4 side of the Rajah Hotel compound. This structure will, so we are told, house some kind of a Night Entertainment Venue, someday. Note the center staircase to the second level. We feel confident it will be finished sometime this year ....or next.... Ahennh....
The Banana Bar On 4 has quite suddenly taken over, lock, stock and barrel from Tapas Room Club. This comes as quite a surprise; Tapas was one of the longest surviving Nitespots on Soi Katoey. Welcome Banana Bar on 4 to the neon circus.
The Jupiter 2018 opened as scheduled this last month (see our comments last issue). They take over from the now-closed For Fun (and still share some of the neon....) Welcome them to the vicissitudes.
The Cave Club was closed last month when we surveyed. They had quite properly put up a sign or three explaining that they would be closed for a single day, and asked us to forgive the inconvenience. Fair enough. This month we resurveyed, and found those same signs explaining they would be closed for a single day. Fool us once, your bad. Fool us twice, it's on us. The Cave Club (located in the Holiday Inn) is closed until further notice. End of discussion.
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit)
The tiny Happy Pub, having closed, then reopened several times this last year has closed for good this time - it has become a mini-mom-and-pop store. Located on Soi Starlight. May they find things more to their liking a little further on down the road a piece.
Last month, when all the Nitespots were closing down in, and in front of Soi Cheap Charlie, the upstairs Domino Pub & Restaurant management told us over drinks that they would be closing one month later, at the end of April. A couple of weeks ago, we went back early to reconfirm the closing date, only to find they had long flown the coop. Greener grass, gentlemen....
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11)
A tiny single-shophouse is renovating in Soi 11/1 - promising to become a bar and restaurant. They look to be about 30% complete with the renovations, so we won't look for them to open before sometime in June. We'll get back atcha when we see something.
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11)
The shoebox-sized Senz Spa an Salon has closed for good. They were located at the Sukhumvit Road end of Soi Cheap Charlie, and actually closed very nearly at the beginning of April. No indication that they are relocating; they will likely be relegated to the shadowed corners of the historical record.
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11)
While covering the closing of the bars in, and in front of, Soi Cheap Charlie last month, we also spoke with the management of Climax Disco (see our last month's issue). They told us under no uncertain terms they would be remaining open for the duration. They lied. They have been led feet-first into the crematorium, their ashes spiraling to the heavens. Originally the Spice Club, they had morphed into Climax on/ about 2009, so they have had a good run at it...
Sin Bin has changed it's neon back to the way it was... almost. There is now an additional tagline sign reading, "By Mosko". (Mosko is the Facebook name of the lovely owner/manager.) May things remain the same, only more so.
Last month, we noted that the Dozo Love & Massage had opened its doors; this month they are celebrating, and celebrating, and celebrating their official opening.
The Dozo has put up just the right combo of lights and color. The "Door Art Of The Month" goes to them by default. Looking good.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
The Araya Massage has most subtly become the Araya 3 Massage. We are not sure there is any distinction at all - as we don't have any record of parlors 1 or 2. May they continue to slip & slide.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33)
After putting, or trying to put, truth to rumor for the last 3 months, Christie's Club has finally closed, although we haven't seen any ongoing renovations to date.... Let's wait and see if the future tennant will be able to get moved in before July.... Hmmmm....
Bangkok Eyes goes back in time to
Who was new - And who was through
in the Expat Night Entertainment world.
How many of these old 'oases'
do you remember ?
Patpong I
May 1997
* The Night Star took over from the upstairs Superman A Go Go Boys. Located above today's Thigh Bar, an unnamed ripoff bar occupies those digs currently.
Patpong 2
May 1997
*Boat Boy 1997 opened in the just-closed Screw Pub area on the ground floor just below the now defunct Cleopatra. This location is currently home to The Club King's.
*Abumi (Japanese) reopened up on the first level of the carpark above Foodland. There currently is no Nitespot at that location.
*Bobby's Deli, located next door to his Cafe De Paris Bistro Bar, closed. There is no Nitespot at either location today.
*Eldorado opened newly in the area now occupied by Spanky's.
* Up on The Ramp, the Classic Cocktail Lounge closed. There currently is no Nitespot at that location.
Soi Cowboy
May 1997
*No changes that month / year. -
Nana Plaza
May 1997
* Closed during a one-month Crackdown.
** Fantasia (2nd)
** Spiders Web (2nd)
** Rosemary Bar (2nd)
** Hollywood Strip (3rd)
** New Hollywood Shooter Boy (3rd)
Soi Katoey ( Silom Soi 4 )
May 1997
* The upstairs T-Bar reopened. They were located above Helene's Place. Now home to the new Hugs.
Buckskin Joe Village (~ May 1988 to May 2006)
(Also known -originally- as Tobacco Road or Soi Rot Fai or, 'The Tracks', and later as Machim [Thai] and Soi Zero)
Graffiti artists in Bushwick, Brooklyn are upset with McDonald's and are contemplating suing them for unauthorized use of their 'artisitic' throwings-up in a video ad. The ad, "McDonald’s Presents the Vibe of Bushwick NY", which was promoting New York Bagel Supreme in Holland, had a number of Bushwick graf artists appearing in it. The problem, according to some of the graf artists, was that some of their pieces also appeared in the ad - something they say was not previously discussed or agreed upon.
One of the artists, Beau Stanton, whose artwork excerpt appears above, stated plainly that he did not believe most of the graf artists would want their pieces associated with McDonalds. (But they, themselves didn't mind being associated with McDonalds ?! Gimme a break, guys....)
'There is a misconception that public art is free to use,' says Stanton's lawyer, Andrew Gerber. (...The artist's LAWYER ? )
“They have copyright ownership on these works, period,” said Gerber.
The artists, including, presumably, Stanton, are asking McDonald’s to pull the ads AND to be paid for the use of their images.... For better or for worse, gone, apparently, are the days when a graffiti artist's ethos, his goals were to express himself freely in public, anonymously so - all the while reaping the respect of his peers. Now it's about the money. Oh well, there goes the neighborhood....
From our perspective, when the lawyers start getting involved, it's time to leave town. We sincerely hope the litigants, all of them, spend the rest of their days haggling endlessly, imprisoned by their own greed in some dank, Hellish courtroom....
Graphic excerpts above are from Internet sources, and are, under current legal precedents and prevailing interpretations considered 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law.