This month we'll be commencing another (long overdue) round of map updates of the Expat Night Entertainment Areas. During the Covid years, Soi 33 Sukhumvit wasn't hit harder than any of the other Areas, but it has been slower than the other areas in recovering. During our monthly surveys we noted a few Nitespots recovering, as well as a few dying on the vine. And the occasional new ones popping up here and there. But we were not keeping our eye on "the big picture" - the changes / increases in Soi 33, cumulatively, have been substantial. One can't help but notice the greater Japanese influence over the last two years.
- A Narada
Film Review
Deadpool & Wolverine
Produced, Directed, Written by Ryan Reynolds & Shawn Levy

A large slice of Planet Earth, eager to see an actual watchable post-Covid Hollywood film, rushed out and spent $200,000,000 dollars on tickets in the first week alone. And it was watchable - but just barely. The consensus is : However enjoyable it was to see our 'old friend' Deadpool, our 'old friend' tended to be pretty much the proverbial one-trick-pony on Deludamol. Lest we forget, the only source of disappointment is unrealistic expectations.
We ask ourselves, is it possible to have too much potty-mouth in a single film? We ask ourselves is it possible to have so much adolescent innuendo that we come to believe we are watching Beavis & Butthead? Is it possible to be too 'camp'? Is it possible to have so many action-stops / talking to the camera that we lose the 'excitement'? Sadly Deadpool 3 answers all these questions with a resounding, "Yes".
One of the requirements for a successful sequel is originality. However we see that Deadpool 3 lost no time borrowing huge tracts from Beyond Thunderdome while running through the badlands, and emulating the unending impossible fight scenes from Jet Li's The One, and the horrific bodycount from The Lord Of The Rings. Oh well, they say nothing new under the Sun...
Are they going to have another sequel? Not likely - they have gone over-the-top in every category, nothing left to be done that hasn't already been over-done. -Once a superhero (or in this case, superheros plural) saves the Universe, it becomes a hard act to follow.
But it wasn't all bad, we did get to see, after all, Wesley Snipes and Hugh Jackman and Leslie Uggams... This alone will keep me jacked until the prequel...
21/2  Stars out of 5
* (but only because the acting, taken on its own, was great.)
BOOKS ...worth a read !
( Click on book covers for details & to order. )
Join the 'Comments' page...
Thermae 10th Anniversary - 15 July 2006
Hey, reasonable question. I just arrived in BKK and go into a bar, I think it is the Thermae (Soi 13, around there), and there are tons of young, some very attractive girls. Just standing next to booths. I try to talk to two pretty ones and they do not give me the time of day. English wasn't their strong suit. But they seemed focused only on Japanese guys. I speak a little Japanese and fluent in Chinese. Nothing works. What gives? What am I doing wrong? I'm over 40, is that it?
Yours is not an unique experience. Many of the girls who go to the Thermae are there exclusively for the Japanese custom. I recall the now somewhat trite, "Triple-3 girls" - Three minutes, three inches, three thousand baht. Currently the clientele is almost 100% Asian, again, most of those being Japanese. As the Thermae is no longer an all-night venue, many of the girls who go there are hoping for Japanese customers early on, but later in the evening become more friendly when they see that they are not going to strike it rich that particular night. A further note (for those to whom it matters one way or the other)- the Thermae still does not allow Katoeys on the premises, however there usually is a number outside on that stretch of Sukhumvit Road.
Thanks for the mention of the late Gery Scott.* She was actually born in India. She has a Wikipedia article about her. For many years, she taught singing at the Canberra School of Music, which is part of the Australian National University. I was fortunate to see her preforming at the Canberra Hyatt Hotel. In interviews she mentioned that she performed in venues in Bangkok and Pattaya.
* (In last month's 'Traces' section)
A most talented and well-travelled entertainer, Gery Scott also spent the war years (WWII) with the American Red Cross entertaining the American Armed Forces in Burma and India. That's what we call an impressive resume...
Korat's popular Monkey Bar (Photo copyright to owner)
I am writing to inquire about advertising with your site, www.bangkokeyes.com. I am based in the US and will be opening a bar in Korat -I know, kinda out of the way, but many happy memories from the war- before expanding with a place in Bangkok. I am inking some of the specifics of the contract (with the help of my Thai wife) and am working on marketing plans, etc. I have been reading your site for years, so I just wanted to see if I can place an ad with you, or maybe to get your feedback on how to develop an online buzz about my bar.
Any advice you can provide would be of great assistance.
Our site is (as you may have noticed) an historical site, and in order to maintain our 'independence' we do not take advertising - as we have found that advertisers then feel they own a part of us, and feel they should have a say in what we should, or should not print about them (and their competition). We would be more than happy to do a story on the opening of your new bar in Korat at the appropriate time, and should you forward photos of the new Nitespot, we could publish them along with the story. This would be one-time, and free.
On receipt of your email above we researched the Korat Nightlife Scene - it has grown immensely since our last visit years ago. The largest concentration of Nitespots lies between the Korat Bus Terminal 2 and the Ayakan Village, so you (and other readers) may want to keep that area in mind...
'Reader's Corner' moderator -
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
* Zootramp
Dave is BACK...
Let the Follies begin-
Vol. XXXIII No. 08
Bangkok, 01 August 2024
Free Distribution
High above the blight of vendors and food sellers occupying the center strip of Patpong 1 Road (and therefore out of view of passers-by) are these four life-sized silhouettes gracing the parapet of the recently relocated King Castle 2. The only chance of glimpsing this display is when approaching from the connecting soi (Soi Bookstore) from Patpong 2. A quick question : each time I pass the entrance to King Castle 2, the A Go-Go stages are empty, so what time (if at all) does the dancing start?
The popular Muzzik Cafe continues to provide an al fresco atmosphere with live music. May they persevere...
 The below Patpong Sticks sign appeared on the outside of the former Triple XXX Lounge... A bit too soon to assign any particular significance to this, but considering the proposed impending restrictions on the sale of cannabis, it doesn't appear to be the appropriate time to open yet another outlet / head shop. A big wait-and-see item...
 A slow night at the Crown Royal, the only sign of life was a friendly cat... Then again, we passed by very early, so we can't be sure things didn't pick up later on...
The 'We Don't Make Mistrakes Department' ... ... ...
A sharp eyed contributor noted we spelled ' Kami-Kazi' incorrectly in our June issue. It should have been Kami-Kaze. It seems Kami means God and kaze means wind in Japanese. The last thing we need to do is anger the gods...
 The former Lighthouse, which was the former Shebas, contunues to renovate at a snail's pace, but we now see it will be called Bad Beach Bangkok, and that it will in fact be an A Go-Go. There is much speculation in the Soi on what the preferred pronunciation of " Beach" will be...
 A for-the-Archives pic of the Morning Night - literally busy from morning to night. We'd call it a license to print money, but we have no idea what the rental is... May they continue to rock 'n roll...

 Last month, Champs (nee September 2021- while most bars were still closed for Covid-19) slipped quietly into the abyss. However Chemistry Bar was right there, standing in the wings to take its place. Modus Operandi unchanged. Located at the cut-off to Soi 6. Welcome them as they throw their hat in the ring...
 The tiny Yardbird, closed February 2020 in the initial Covid crunch, has reopened bigger and better, ...well at least better, if not bigger. Welcome back to the same old, same old. Located in the Maison Hotel compound (ex: Rajah Hotel).
 The Kenika Massage has replaced the long standing Swan Massage & Salon deep in the Soi. Welcome them to the slippery slopes...
 Open only last month, the Bar D. Mare has already pulled the shutters down. Perhaps the recent persistent nightly rains had a hand in this... We'll keep an ear to the ground, and should they pop back up we'll duly report...
 The Hugs Bar Karaoke has re-re-re-opened. No guarantees they will be open next month; they come to work if and when they see fit...
SOI KATOEY (Silom Soi 4)
 The Kiki has opened newly in the now closed Sup ! Naree. Wish them luck as they cast their dice against the pitted wall of fate. Located in Honey Plaza.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 The Beauty Body Bangkok Massage has rolled out the red carpet. We honestly don't know how another massage parlor amongst the many is going to make a buck. Located deep in the Soi. Nevertheless, welcome them to the shark tank.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 The Avadee Massage in Subsoi Hana stayed open a whole month before closing up shop. File photo below. This piece of property has changed hands (lessees) several times just since the end of Covid. Perhaps someone needs to read " Business Plans For Dummies". Located in Subsoi Hana, just past the Marriott.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 The on again-off again Private Bar is currently "off again". Located at the back end of Subsoi Hana. It's anyone's guess how long this flip-flopping will go on... File photo below.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
The Brew House is one of the newer ' drinks & eats' places on Soi 8, and already getting busier. Let the good times roll...
SOI 8 Sukhumvit
 We featured a pic of the long-standing 8855 Bar & Restaurant last month, but we found a better one (below). Located at the back of the second subsoi (shortcut to Soi 6). May they keep on keeping on...
SOI 8 Sukhumvit
 Thanks to JD (you know who you are), we have 'discovered' four Night Entertainment Venues hidden in the subsoi next to, and behind Bang Bang. (We have no idea how many times we surveyed there, and walked right past the entrance without going in.) -The last time we checked inside was pre-Covid. Lesson learned - never assume... We understand the Lusty Lady Bar (first photo below) has 'pole dancing' (don't call it A Go-Go) after about 21:30 hours, and they have a VIP lounge up on the 2nd level. A most well-appointed bar.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 It looks like the Alchemist Bar has closed up shop for keeps. They originally started out in the small Cheap Charlie subsoi, across the way, but moved over when the old buildings were demolished. Greener grass, ladies...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 The latest to try to make a go of the digs just past Golden Giraffe is the Iconic II Bar & Restaurant, which has live music most times. Let 'er rip, then gentlemen...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 We just missed the Eden Massage -no relation to the infamous (and long-closed) massage parlor in Sukhumvit Soi 7/1, so we'll try to get some better pics next round.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 The Dragon Heart Massage is hard to find, but it does exist. It's up on the 4th level (see photo). See also the 'laser light' projection on the pavement - becoming quite popular these days.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
The miniscule Spring Flowers has opened in the long defunct You & I Bar on the north wall of the old Bier Garten area. May they long ride the vicissitudes...
7 CENTER POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
 The brand new Boss massage has completely revamped the just-closed Happy Hour in Subsoi 4. Welcome to partytown...
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
Mikatsuki Snack Karaoke Bar has opened newly on the 2nd floor above " Japanese Snack Bar" and below 3rd level Lady Soda. Welcome them as they step into the line of fire. Not wishing them any bad ju-ju, the Venues should look into their " in-case-of-fire" procedures... The Japanese Venues in Subsoi Pan Pan are starting to stack up a la Soi Thaniya...
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 The Paco 19 Club, looking flaky last month, has disappeared into the night rains. Heavy-duty renovations are in progress. "More about this as we learn of it". (File photo below).
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 The Japanese-oriented Komachi has fallen afoul of the fates (otherwise described as 'no customers'). Those premises are currently being hurriedly renovated, so likely we'll see a new Venue next survey.
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 The Traveller's Tap, open two months ago, is located deep in Subsoi 2, and has distinguished signage. However it is hard to see clearly by passing foot traffic on the main Soi. They may want to double- or triple-up...
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 The Club Gems & Kiraku Snack Bar /Karaoke has now become just Kiraku. More photos next round, as they complete their new signage installation. File photo below.
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 We noticed no change in the inventory of Venues on Soi Eden (no new closures or openings). Below is yet another photo for the Archives...
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
Traces of Bangkok's Early Years
A This month Midnite Hour continues to review Bangkok's Nightclubs offering live entertainment, located both in the bigger hotels and operating independently.
"Miss 8-Ball" (winner of that beauty pageant) was discovered by Hollywood producer Howard Hughes who featured her in His Kind Of Woman (RKO 1951). From that time on, there was no looking back. She was known as one of "The 'Three M's'" 'sex-symbols' of the '50's-'60's (along with Marilyn Monroe & Jayne Mansfield). Mamie Van Doren is 93 years old as at this writing.
March 1968
During this period the Sani Chateau Nightclub brought in a series of mostly-French "shows". Located in the Gaysorn Night Entertainment Area.
March 1968
BBy this time, Maurice Rocco, expatriate American jazz pianist / singer had already become a 'favorite' in Thailand and Hong Kong. By March 1968 he was performing at the New Winsor on Silom Road.
March 1968
The Copa Cabana was arguably the most popular (and longest lived) of the Nitespots in lower Sukhumvit Road in the '60's through the '80's. During the late '60's it was promoting itself as a "Spanish Club".
March 1968
Richardine (Ricardo Richardine, Jr.), Columbian illusionist, was the son of magician Richardine, and began assisting in shows at the age of six. He would continue on after his father (in 1959) performing on his own until 1976.
March 1968
The Leopard's Room at the Siam Intercontinental Hotel often had live entertainment, but never rose to the popularity of the big nightclubs (Sani Chateau, Tropicana, Cafe de Paris).
March 1968
Jean Bonard was in fact a popular Atlantic recording star (1960's-1970's), but she was best known in Europe playing the part of the famous Paris-based (1920's) American singer / entertainer Josephine Baker at a long-running revue on her life and times in Paris.
(In turn, Josephine Baker was indeed a popular singer / entertainer in her day, however she was most well-known for her "banana skirt" performance - which doesn't sound all that revealing until one realizes that the artificial bananas that made up the 'skirt' were the only things she was wearing...).
March 1968
The Montientong nightclub at the Montien Hotel were advertising their whereabouts as 'Surawongse (Surawong) Road Patpong Extension - an indication (if nothing else...) that Patpong Road was already a popular destination.
March 1968
The Andrini Brothers (there were 5 of them, usually 2 or 3 performing abroad) were a popular international Italian-American group playing classical, opera, and ballo liscio music. The Tropicana and the Ramayana were the two Venues at the Rama Hotel featuring well-known 'international' entertainers.
March 1968
One would have to be an actual Old Asia Hand (and not one of the hoard of poseurs) to remember Krating Thong beer. It was brewed by the Thai Amarit Brewery for several years before they began marketing beer under their own name (such as the popular Amarit NB and the 'exclusive' Klassik K). In 2004 the Thai Amarit Brewery was bought out by San Miguel (Thailand). So now you know...