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01 February 2025
William R. Morledge

February's Nitelife News
A Smile in the Land of Smiles.
Reader's Corner:   Khao San a Nitespot Area ?
Traces -Nitelife In Old Bangkok
Graffiti In The News #222 - A Graffiti Museum
               Should nightlifers be planning a visit (or revisit) to the '1980s' Khao San Road in hopes of immersing themselves in the backpacker haven of guest houses, travel agents, 'Call Home' shops, money changers, silver shops and food stalls selling omelets, fried rice and smoothies, they are going to be sadly disappointed.   Nor will Khao San Road be more than tangentially reminiscent of the Hollywood version (the DiCaprio film The Beach, Year 2000).   However, if one is looking for a unique Night Entertainment Area, a vibrant, chaotic, crowded street unlike others found in Bangkok, you will have come to the right spot.
Khao San's last true "guest house" - in recent times, Dio Guest House took over the reins of the ancient Friendly Guest House & Restaurant.
               For better or worse, Khao San Road has become a 'Nightlife Bazaar', rather than a Nightlife Area as found elsewhere in Bangkok.   By nightfall, it becomes a 'Walking Street' of open-fronted bar beers (some with streetside A Go-Go style dancing), restaurants, discos, clubs, lounges, cannabis shops, food carts, push carts selling deep fried insects, shops offering 'laughing gas' one balloon at a time, hotels and massage parlors.   Should seating be short, shops will move folding chairs and tables out into the roadway, further impeding pedestrian traffic.   Virtually every shop has its touts buttonholing passers-by to stop for beer and food (yes, one can almost without exception order out and have food delivered in).
               But alongside the hyper 'Night-Market Scene' so readily evident, Khao San Road has been developing a solid Expat Night Entertainment base over the last few years.   Therefore, as much as we at the Bangkok Eyes website dread the thought of surveying that human-zoo every month, we cannot in good conscience let it go unreported.   Commencing this issue, we are launching a monthly Khao San update in our 'Follies' section below.
            For those interested in an in-depth historical perspective on Khao San Road, see our Khao San Road Today <link>.


February's Thai Smile says, "...I'd rather have one than none..."

BOOKS ...worth a read !

( Click on book covers for details & to order. )



Join the 'Comments' page...

      I must have missed it in my research of your archives.   Do you have a map, write-up of Saphan Quai, Suthisarn?
   Thank you
Link provided here : 2009dec01.html
      This is the most recent map and write-up we have on record.   In recent years, the area has faded as a Night Entertainment Area.   We will not be doing an update.   Even our 2009 survey was 'too late' to have caught it in its prime.   Most of the venues shown on the above map are now gone.   Back in the R&R days a number of hotels quartering G.I.s could be found on Pahoyothin Rd, which likely gave rise to its popularity, at least to foreigners, but they disappeared by 1976.
'Reader's Corner' moderator -

'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
*   Zootramp Publications


Dave is BACK... 


Let the Follies begin-

    Vol. XXXIV      No. 2
                           Bangkok,  01 February 2025                         
   Free Distribution

        Last month we mentioned that the space previously occupied by the King's Castle 2 was under renovation, and likely to open.   They did just that, and are called 'King's Castle' - as indicated in our last issue.   This is the second King's Castle, the first is still just a few shophouses down on the Surawong Rd side.   However, we also note that the larger King's Castle sign at the right of the photo now perhaps applies to this new King's Castle and the King's Castle 1?   Well, if you own the whole street, I guess you can call any bar by any name you like...

       The Qeen Studio Bar up on The Ramp was darker than a poisoned well when we passed by the other night.   But - as they haven't removed the chattel lock, stock and barstool, this may be a temporary closure.   A wait-and-see item.   (File Photo)
            The area adjacent to the Penny Black didn't have any signage for several months.   Although most people knew it was part of Penny Black, many didn't.   This month we see some sponsored signage giving proof-positive that it is part of Penny Black.   So if you were worrying, stop worrying...
            The area on the 3rd level at the right / back that has either been empty or S.T. rooms for years - is now the On Top, a most colorful lounge bar.   Much dynamic eye candy....   Let the good times roll...
   Kind thanks to J.B. for the graphic.
               At the Soi 6 junction, what was the Champs became the Chemistry last August.   There must have been some bad chemistry, because the Champs Bar is right back where it started from.   Check out the new signage...    Welcome back to the piranha pool...
            We saw no change in the inventory of Soi Katoey (Silom Soi 4) venues this last month, however we have never seen it so crowded - and this wasn't even on a weekend.
 SOI  KATOEY (Silom  Soi  4)
               Unique to Khao San Road, an open-fronted 'disco', The One, thump-thump-thumps away, complete with live and/or DJ music and all the laser gear.   And just to make it more complex, it is built on a series of steps / stairways.   And in spite of this, it has remained one of the more popular Venues.

            By the time you read this, the Kater Claw Disco will likely be open.   See above map for location.   We shall follow up next round...
            The Tha Chang sign is in Thai language, but all are welcome.   Located down a side lane.
            The Wakanda Club is relatively new (since our visit in 2023), and seemingly popular later in the evenings.

             The upstairs OK Bar was formerly just called Gospel.
            The long-running 11 Degree does most of its business outside in the cooler evenings.
            The Bucket, another long-running inside-outside bar...
            The new Honey Bee Massage has taken over the reins of the twice-failed Absolute Bar.   Located in Subsoi Lemongrass just past the Marriott Marquis.   Rub-a-dub-dub...
 SOI  22 Sukhumvit Rd 

            It looks like the Too Easy found a way out from under it all.   It was located in Subsoi Titanium.   Happy trails...
 SOI  22 Sukhumvit Rd 
            A For-the-Archives pic of the 8 Fantasy Massage located deeper in the Soi.   May they continue to slip-n-slide...
 SOI  8 Sukhumvit  
            The pic below is an LED dynamic sign - which is becoming more common throughout Bangkok's Night Entertainment Scene.   Located in the Ambassador Hotel compound, the Aces Nightclub sign itself is about 35 feet high - easily seen from the main Soi.

 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 
            With the WXYZ Bar just reopening in the newly renovated Aloft Hotel, all three of their Night Entertainment Venues have now reopened.   Welcome back to the same-old, same-old.
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 
            Bar Louie looked down-and-out last month, so we wondered at that time if it was in the process of going bust.   This month it's confirmed - they're shuttered for the duration.   They were located in the cul-de-sac across from the Aloft Hotel.   Greener grass, gents...   (File photo)
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 
            The Candy Club (x Bobo) has plummeted irretrievably into the abyss.   It's hard to imagine why - they were a well-appointed Nitespot.   Perhaps it was the "Bobo" that was scaring customers away...?   (File photo)
 SOI  AMBASSADOR  (Sukhumvit Soi 11) 
             The We For You (the one at the back) went out of business, becoming Best Friends in April 2024.   Last month Best friends winked out, only to be replaced this month by We For You - leaving 7 Center Point once again with two Venues of the same name.   And the beat continues...
 7  CENTER  POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
            Bar Beer Aurora (RIP) has been absorbed by the Lucky Bar at the rear of the Bier Garten wing.
 7  CENTER  POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
            No sooner did Long Time No See open, than it closed up shop.   One might wonder if it ever opened fully...   (Last month we gave it the benefit of the doubt, as it was the new year, and many shops remained closed.)   But this month there is no doubt - they have gone the way of the Megalapteryx)...   (File photo)
 SOI  DEAD  ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33) 
            The Sakaba Karaoke has closed yet again, however this time looks like they won't be coming out for the next round...   Ashes to ashes, so be it, then...   (File photo)
 SOI  DEAD  ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33) 
            Above even the 3rd level Lady Soda and the 2nd level Sono and the ground level Hoshizora is the new CEO Bar.   And yet, all four Venues seem to be doing well...   (However, we hope the municipal fire inspector doesn't wander down the street to perform his inspections..)
 SOI  DEAD  ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33) 
            Once again, we noted no new Venue openings or closings on Soi Eden.   Below, a For-the-Archives pic.
 SOI  EDEN  (Sukhumvit 7 / 1) 


Traces of Bangkok's Early Years

      This month Midnite Hour continues to review Bangkok's Nightlife Scene offering live entertainment, both foreign and local, as found in the bigger hotels, as well as those entertainers performing in Night Entertainment Areas, and other locations within the City.   
      A The Esso Trinidad Steel Band was a steel band from Trinidad, active from 1942 to 1976.   The group began in 1942 as the Tripoli Steel Band, named after a lyric in the United States Marines' Hymn.
      Tacey Robbins was a B-movie actress (horror/ scif-fi) who had a pleasant singing voice.   She never made "The Big Time" in singing either...
September 1968
The battle of Silom Road's Cellar Bars (which we didn't even know was 'a thing'...)

      Bill Book would eventually move out of Silom Road, reopening in Gaysorn Night Entertainment Area.   His relocated Cellar Bar would become legend among US Special Forces, active duty and retired, due to the outrageous antics within.   For starters, should one enter the bar wearing a tie, it would be cut off.   With scissors.    (The Nite Owl archives.)
September 1968

September 1968

      The Lido Club was in the Rajdamri Road area (Big C and Central World area).   Although there were other Nitespots cropping up in that area from time to time, it never became a Night Entertainment Area per se.   (The Nite Owl archives.)
September 1968

      We know of no 'Old Bangkok Hand' (or who thinks he is...) who didn't go at least once to Nick's No. 1 Restaurant on the corner of Sathorn and Rama IV roads.   Who could forget his Hungarian Salad - (even if you wanted to...)?   On the other hand, we know of no one who actually knew Nick - (readers?).   A rare photo.   (The Nite Owl archives.)
September 1968

      The Red & Blue nightclub was located in Siam Square, opposite today's Paragon.   It was the 'go-to' spot for those imagining themselves part of the psychedelic / hippy crowd...
September 1968
      The Bamboo Bar opened in the Oriental Hotel in 1947, shortly after the end of WWII, and holds honors for the oldest surviving Nitespot in Bangkok - still going strong today, right beside Lord Jim's.
September 1968

      The Bentyber Dancers featured here were also known as the 'Bentyber Glamour Girls'.   They were a mostly European dance troupe.   The 'Bentyber Girls' were a precision dance group - originally from the Bentyber Opera (Ben Tyber), and performed worldwide.
September 1968

      The Tropicana located on Silom Rd featured foreign (European, Asian) entertainers.   We located Nita Lopez, however she claimed Spanish origins rather than Philippine...
September 1968

      From very early on, the Bangkok World's entertainment editor, Bernard Trink came under fire from his several detractors.   Of course these verbal 'dust-ups' only increased his readership.   This is a particularly entertaining example...
September 1968

      This has absolutely nothing to do with Bangkok's Night Entertainment scene, but we just couldn't resist republishing....
September 1968



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*Click Here*
Christopher G. Moore

































But is it ....ART ?

Check out Bangkok's dedicated page at "BKK" <link>


         This month we showcase DeGraffitis and their weekly Graffiti Monday YouTube channel (link below).   The top photo shows one of two very large graffiti in the city of Medellín (Columbia).   The graffiti was thrown up by a large outpouring of concerned citizens.   The protest was in common-cause with the mothers of 'disappeared' persons who were protesting the lack of Government action in returning sons and daughters kidnapped by the cartels.   The graffiti was painted over by the Municipality the following day, however the day following that, the community repainted it - and one more just like it...   The graffiti reads, "The Mothers (of the missing) Are Right."
      The weekly Graffiti Monday YouTube channel aggregates graffiti "in the news" from around the world, to include the Americas, Europe and onward.

Copyright 2025 DeGraffitis
For a detailed account, please visit Graffiti Monday <link>
   Bangkok Eyes is an historically based news outlet, and as such, all graphic excerpts herein are considered, under current legal precedents and prevailing interpretations, 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law.   Copyright of any original photographs or artwork resides exclusively with the creators.

With thanks to Cool

Graffiti #1548
Empty Can
6 ft high x 27 ft (both sides)

Graffiti #1549
Croc Art IV
5 ft high x 24 ft

Graffiti #1550
Inner Tubular
8ft high x 14 ft

Graffiti #1551
Little Market
9 ft high x 23 ft

Graffiti #1552
No Stairs
9 ft high x 9 ft

Graffiti #1553
8 ft high x 20 ft

Graffiti #1554
8 ft high x 14 ft

Bangkok Eyes is an historically based news outlet, and as such, all graphic excerpts herein are considered, under current legal precedents and prevailing interpretations, 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law.   Copyright of any original artwork resides exclusively with the creators.

Bangkok's original site !

SINCE  2005

Graffiti Page is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman.

(Boge's photo, above, is not a graffiti per-se, although there are those who have insinuated....
- Ed)

--- Datzit Fernow

William R. Morledge


"The Archives" - All Our Back Issues Here

- 2026 -
01 JAN -   
01 FEB -   

- 2025 -
01 JAN -   Nana Plaza - Map Update
01 FEB -   Khao San Nitespots
- 2024 -
01 JAN -   Soi 8 - Changing With The Times
01 FEB -   Bangkok Movies - March 1967
01 MAR -   A Khao Sarn Retro - (Millennium 2000)
01 APR -    Bangkok's A Go-Go - MYTH-BUSTER
01 MAY -    Bangkok ''Feelm'' - 1967
01 JUN -    Center Point Shrinks
01 JUL -    Soi 8 On The Map
01 AUG -    Soi 33 After Covid Roundup
01 SEP -    Soi Ambassador - Slow Explosion
01 OCT -    Return To Soi Than Tawan
01 NOV -    Nightlife & A.I. - Is It Taking Over?
01 DEC -    Bangkok's Nightlife Chronicles
- 2023 -
01 JAN -   2022 - The Awakening
01 FEB -   2022 - A Go-Go AI (Is You Is?)
01 MAR -   2022 - Movies 1966
01 APR -    Khao San Road Today
01 MAY -    Bangkok's Temporary Bars
01 JUN -    The Blues
01 JUL -    7 Center Point
01 AUG -    Soi 7 Bier Garten Gone
01 SEP -    Bua Luang - We Hardly Knew Ye
01 OCT -    Trendy Plaza Revisit
01 NOV -    7 Center Point - Doubling Down
01 DEC -    Patpong 1988 - 1989 (With Map)

- 2022 -
01 JAN -   Omicron - a "Big Deal" ?
01 FEB -   Omicron Milder, Stable
01 MAR -   Bangkok Nitelife rebounds
01 APR -    Covid High amid Reopenings
01 MAY -    Pub Crawl - In The Time of Covid
01 JUN -    Nitespots Fully Open
01 JUL -    Thailand Reopens
01 AUG -    Nitespot Maps Update - Post Covid
01 SEP -    Royal City Avenue on the Mend
01 OCT -    W District - After COVID
01 NOV -    Talat Noi - Chinatown Graffiti
01 DEC -    The Godfather Crucible
- 2021 -
01 JAN -   Covid surges - Nitespots hit
01 FEB -    CoV-19 Vaccine Delay - Bars in Tatters
01 MAR -   CoV-19 Vaccine here - Bars reopen
01 APR -    Covid stable - Travel eases
01 MAY -    Covid 3rd Wave bashes Nitelife
01 JUN -    Nightlife Dark Ages Continue
01 JUL -    Covid Worsens - Lockdown widens
01 AUG -    Covid-19 Skyrockets - Blanket Testing
01 SEP -    Covid-19 Cases down - Nitelife ailing...
01 OCT -    Covid Cases Down 60%
01 NOV -    Covid Eases, Hopes Rise
01 DEC -    Covid Eases Again - Nitelife Restarts

- 2020 -
01 JAN -   Soi 7 "On The Map"
01 FEB -   Soi 33's Dead Artists - RIP
01 MAR -    Queen's Park Plaza gone
01 APR -    Coronavirus Crunch
01 MAY -    Coronavirus Ebbs
01 JUN -    Coronavirus is killing bars
01 JUL -    Coronavirus now rare
01 AUG -    Thais curb Coronavirus
01 SEP -    Covid blockade foils 2nd Wave
01 OCT -    Coronavirus vs Coronaphobia
01 NOV -    Trink Passes On
01 DEC -    Soi 8 Survives
- 2019 -
01 JAN -   Soi 71 + "W District"
01 FEB -    Back to Soi 26
01 MAR -   Soi 1 & Soi 3
01 APR -    Mizu's of Patpong
01 MAY -    Mississippi Twins
01 JUN -    Gay Patpong ? -Twilight Gone
01 JUL -    Bars - 50 Years On
01 AUG -    Soi 8 Reviste
01 SEP -    Copyright & the 'Net
01 OCT -    Historic Honolulu - Chinatown
01 NOV -    The Patpong Museum
01 DEC -    Queen's Park Fades - Soi 7 Opens

- 2018 -
01 JAN -   The Pub Crawl
01 FEB -   Bobby Passes On
01 MAR -    Nana - The Plaza - The Soi
01 APR -    Soi Dead Artists - Downsizing?
01 MAY -    Soi's 5, 7, 7/1 Eden
01 JUN -    Soi 24 - Going Nowhere
01 JUL -    Street Bars - They're Back
01 AUG -    Udorn in the 60's & 70's
01 SEP -    Potpourri - Odds 'N Ends
01 OCT -    Khao San + Rambutri Rds.
01 NOV -    Night Market Sri Nakarin
01 DEC -    Soi 23 - Running Hot
- 2017 -
01 JAN -   Soi 22 - the Survivor
01 FEB -    Hua Hin Nights
01 MAR -   Hooking-Up
01 APR -    Soi Than Tawan
01 MAY -    Our Saloon-Count Surveys
01 JUN -    Soi Bua Khao
01 JUL -    Soi 8 - Work In Progress
01 AUG -    NO PHOTO (more or less)
01 SEP -    Stickman Calls 'Time'
01 OCT -    Sweet Black Angel
01 NOV -    Thai King At Rest
01 DEC -    The Dark Arts

- 2016 -
01 JAN -   Railway Bazaar
01 FEB -   Sukhumvit Square Justice
01 MAR -    Paint the Neon Night
01 APR -    Udom Suk Reviste
01 MAY -    Soi Thaniya
01 JUN -    Soi Thonglor Re-up
01 JUL -    Massage Parlor Row
01 AUG -    Check Inn 99
01 SEP -    Pattaya A Go-Go
01 OCT -    Bangkok's Nitelife Maps
01 NOV -    Nitespot Demographics
01 DEC -    Pattaya's Soi 6

- 2015 -
01 JAN -    A Go-Go Bar Ratings
01 FEB -    Are Cops Gouging Nitelifers?
01 MAR -   Bad Company
01 APR -    LK Metro - Pattaya
01 MAY -    Soi 33 goes East
01 JUN -    Rachada Fades
01 JUL -    Freelancers
01 AUG -    Nana Plaza Map 2015
01 SEP -    Soi Nana Map 2015
01 OCT -    Walking Street - Pattaya
01 NOV -    Rachada - The Giant
01 DEC -    A Go-Go's Story

- 2014 -
01 JAN -   Bangkok's Got The Blues
01 FEB -   Soi 26 - Stayin' Alive
01 MAR -    Nightscene rues Mob
01 APR -    My Friend owns a Bar...
01 MAY -    Soi's 3, 5 and 7
01 JUN -    Curfew's Costly Cut
01 JUL -    Soi 13 Makes It's Move
01 AUG -    Pattaya Does The Twist
01 SEP -    Soi's 18 & 20 - Quieter is Better
01 OCT -    Soi's 10 & 14 - Lesser known Sois
01 NOV -    A Good Old Boy...
01 DEC -    Lang Suan & Sarasin

- 2013 -
01 JAN -    Not Fade Away - The Survivors
01 FEB -    Rare Old Photos
01 MAR -   Copa Reprise
01 APR -    Arise, Soi 22
01 MAY -    Where to Next ?
01 JUN -    Bangkok Noir
01 JUL -    MAPS - The Major Update
01 AUG -    Lamai Lamai Lamai
01 SEP -    Tim 'Wanchai' Young
01 OCT -    Soi Wall Street
01 NOV -    Little Thonglor - Soi 11
01 DEC -    Mississippi Queen

- 2012 -
01 JAN -    Mama-San
01 FEB -    Our 10th Anniversary Issue !
01 MAR -    How Gay Nana ?
01 APR -    Sukhumvit' Soi 23 - The Big Picture
01 MAY -    Khao San Road - Unique Bazaar
01 JUN -    Ekamai - It Used To Be Too Far
01 JUL -    Nightlife Pioneers
01 AUG -    The New Puritans
01 SEP -    Nana - On It's Own
01 OCT -    FAIL - War on Nitespot Drugs
01 NOV -    Patpong Unbroken
01 DEC -    Drugs & the Nightscene in History
- 2011 -
01 JAN -    Patpong's 'Glory Days'
01 FEB -    Nightlife In A Digital Age
01 MAR -    Co-Co Walk Plaza
01 APR -    Soi 33 Marches On
01 MAY -    Nightlife Permissiveness
01 JUN -    Ghosts of Nitelife Past
01 JUL -    STATE - The Cinema, Soi & Area
01 AUG -    Soi Darling
01 SEP -    Sri Nakarin South
01 OCT -    Soi 8 Reprise
01 NOV -    Floodless in Bangkok
01 DEC -    Soi Udomsuk

- 2010 -
01 JAN -    Street Bars II - The Triple-Dip
01 FEB -    Our Kind Of Art - II    - Chris Coles
01 MAR -    The Dead Artist Bars - Soi 33
01 APR -    "Soi Ginza" - Thaniya Road
01 MAY -    Night Scene Blues (Red Shirts 1)
01 JUN -    Nitespots Recover Slowly (Reds 2)
01 JUL -    World Cup Special
01 AUG -    Those Old Photos
01 SEP -    The German Invasion
01 OCT -    Racism & Prejudice
01 NOV -    Soi 11 Revisited
01 DEC -    Soi 22 Updater

- 2009 -
01 JAN -    The Santika Fire
01 FEB -    Salt & Pepper
01 MAR -    Nana Plaza - Update & Maps
01 APR -    Soi Nana Update
01 MAY -    The Nightscene & The Riots
01 JUN -    "19" Re-Focus
01 JUL -    Rain Dogs - The Underground
01 AUG -    Soi Thonglor - A bridge-too-far
01 SEP -    Ban Chang - Our Little Secret
01 OCT -    The "Ginza Effect'
01 NOV -    Royal City Avenue (RCA)
01 DEC -    Sutthisan & The Inthamara's

- 2008 -
01 JAN -    2007 - Looking Back
01 FEB -    Owning A Bar
01 MAR -    Expat's Bangkok
01 APR -    Nude Dancing
01 MAY -    After Midnite
01 JUN -    Night Scene In Flux
01 JUL -    Our Kind Of Art
01 AUG -    Trendy Plaza Reprise
01 SEP -    The Elephants Are ....Back
01 OCT -    Grand Prix Intro
01 NOV -    Grand Prix - Rick's Story
01 DEC -    "Old Bangkok Hand"

- 2007 -
01 JAN -    Bombs Blast Bangkok
01 FEB -    Bangkok's Nightscene Websites
01 MAR -    Prasitipol Dance Bar To Fall
01 APR -    Soi 5 Neon Review
01 MAY -    A Go-Go Bangkok
01 JUN -    Arise ! Soi 11
01 JUL -    Anatomy Of A Bar Area
01 AUG -    Soi 26 - Too Far ?
01 SEP -    Chuwit Guilty
01 OCT -    Daytime Nana Plaza
01 NOV -    Cowboy - All Of It
01 DEC -    Another Nitespot Area Falls

- 2006 -
01 JAN -    Pattaya Ascending
01 FEB -    A Go-Go Then & Now
01 MAR -    ' Madrid '
01 APR -    White Heat
01 MAY -    Politics & Nightlife
01 JUN -    Fagin's Bratpack
01 JUL -    King Bhumibol's 60th Anniversary
01 AUG -    Soi 10 - The Final Shaft
01 SEP -    Pattaya's Soi Bua Khow
01 OCT -    Rachada's Other Face
01 NOV -    Soi 22s Other Bars
01 DEC -    Soi Eden Goes A Go-Go

- 2005 -
01 JAN -    Asoke Plaza Crushed
01 FEB -    The 'Nana Scene'
01 MAR -    Asoke Plaza Smashed Again
01 APR -    Sukhumvit 1 Plaza 'Arrives'
01 MAY -    Welcome 'Soi Eden'
01 JUN -    Bangkok's Bareback Riders
01 JUL -    Soi 22 - A Macro View
01 AUG -    Nana's Slide
01 SEP -    Cowboy Street Scene
01 OCT -    The Pattaya Run
01 NOV -    Soi 19 In Focus
01 DEC -    Bad Girls

- 2004 -
01 JAN -    Bangkok's Darkest Year
01 FEB -    Where Is Trink ?
01 MAR -    Soi 33 Just Won't Stop
01 APR -    Cracks In The Crackdown
01 MAY -    In The Zone
01 JUN -    "Night-Scene Jumbos
01 JUL -    Easy Square 'On The Map'
01 AUG -    Soi 1 Entertainment Plaza
01 SEP -    Khlong Toey Revisited
01 OCT -    Koh Samui's Night Scene
01 NOV -    Soi 1 Opens
01 DEC -   The Bangkok Pub Scene

- 2003 -
01 JAN -    Cowboy Crackdown
01 FEB -    Sukhumvit Square Smashed
01 MAR -    Soi 10 Survivors
01 APR -    War & The Night Scene
01 MAY -    Entertainment Blues
01 JUN -    '13 Night Market' Reborn
01 JUL -    Clinton Plaza Falls
01 AUG -    Soi 24 Nightscene Review
01 SEP -    Does Soi Nana Measure Up?
01 OCT -    Patpong - Legend & Myth
01 NOV -    Easy Square 'Launched'
01 DEC -    Soi Cowboy Urine-Swoop

- 2002 -
01 FEB -    January: Big Changes In Bar Scene
09 JUN -    Sukhumvit Square 'Explosion'

20 JUN -    Soi 22's Queen's Park Plaza
01 JUL -    Clinton Plaza - Already Dead?
01 AUG -    Bar Beers Now "Major Players"
16 AUG -    July: Bar Beers Gaining Ground
01 SEP -    A Go-Gos A-building
17 SEP -    Virtual Bars
01 OCT -    A History In The Making
01 NOV -    Pool Bars Come Of Age
01 DEC -    November's Night Follies
15 DEC -    Genesis: Sukhumvit's Night Scene

01 JAN -    Seminal Survey -Paradisio Closes
- 2001 -

01 JAN -    Baccara opens in Cowboy
01 FEB -    Club Habanos Closes - PP1
01 MAR -    farang Connection Closes - Nana
01 APR -    Rock Hard BB Open - Clinton Pl.
01 MAY -    Las Vegas Opens - Cowboy
01 JUN -    'Wall Street' Opens - Soi 33
01 JUL -    Vixens Closes - Nana
01 AUG -    6 A Go-Go's Shut - Clinton Pl.
01 SEP -    Pussy Collection Opens - PP1
01 OCT -    Girl Friend Closes - PP1
01 NOV -    Rainbow III Opens - Nana
01 DEC -    White House Reopens - Clinton Pl.

- 2000 -

JAN -    'Cowboy Annex' Starts Up
FEB -    Agogo 2000 new at Nana
MAR -    Flowers - Clinton's 1st A Go-Go
APR -    Angel Witch new at Nana
MAY -    Dubliner now at Washington Sq
JUN -    Coco Loco opens at Clinton Pl.
JUL -    Bottoms Up new at Nana
AUG -    Crack House opens at Clinton Pl.
SEP -    Doll House / White House open at Clinton
OCT -    Rock Hard to open at Clinton Pl.
NOV -    Big Dogs opens at Nana
DEC -    Lolita opens in Cowboy Annex

- 1999 -

JAN -    Masquerade Closes @ Nana
FEB -    "Entertainment Plaza" Start-Up
MAR -    SuperStar is PP SuperBar !
APR -    Washington Square goes Critical
MAY-    New Klymaxx closes (Cowboy)
JUN -    'Wet Lips opens (Cowboy)
JUL -    Sam 2000 opens (Cowboy)
AUG -    Monica's opens (Clinton Plaza)
SEP -    Muzzik Cafe open on PP1
OCT -    No Probl'm now Cat's Meow
NOV -    Titty Twisters opens at Nana
DEC -    Londoner Brew Pub new on Soi 33
- 1998 -
JAN -    Nancy Bar opens on Floor 2, Nana
FEB -    Tabasco Charlies opens - (NEP)
MAR -    Cowboy 2 is a 'Pizzaria' - Soi Cowboy
APR -    New A Go Go Duck opens - Cowboy
MAY -    Raw Hide opens on Cowboy
JUN -    Para Disio opens - Floors 2 & 3 - NEP
JUL -    Patpong Cafe opens - PP2
AUG -    'Funny Girls' becomes 'Girlfriend' - PP1
SEP -    Masquerade opens on 3rd Floor - NEP
OCT -    Virgo opens on Cowboy
NOV -    Obsession, Beverly Hills, Red Lips open
DEC -    Lucifer Disko Tk opens atop Radio City

- 1997 -
JAN -    'Hot Rods' opens @ Nana
FEB -    Crazy Lady closes (Nana)
MAR -    3 Lounges closed - 'The Ramp'
APR -    Blue Sky Bar closes - PP1
MAY -    Crackdown at Nana
JUN -    Crystal Palace opens - PP2
JUL -    Limelight closes - PP1
AUG -    Rainbow II opens @ Nana
SEP -    Cowboy's Butterfly Gone
OCT -    Shadow drops Crazy Jack (Cowboy)
NOV -    Hollywood 2 now on 3rd Floor (NEP)
DEC -    Susies opens @ Buckskin Joe Village
- 1996 -
JAN -    Shooters opens on 3rd Floor (NEP)
FEB -    XTC Closes, then Reopens (NEP)
MAR -    Tapas back on line (Soi Katoey)
APR -    Long Gun expands (2X) [Cowboy]
MAY -    Apache reopens on 'The Boy'
JUN -    Pink Panther "upstairs" closes
JUL -    Iconic Mike's Place gone...
AUG -    Upstairs Touch Bar closes (PP1)
SEP -    Pharaoh opens in NEP carpark
OCT -    Spirit House opens in NEP
NOV -    Crazy Lady opens in NEP
DEC -    Long Gun 2 opens (now Rawhide)

- 1995 -
JAN -    PP1 Butterfly Closed
FEB -    Camelot Castle Opens
MAR -    NEPs Bubble Gum gone...
APR -    Tiny 'Imagine' Closed
MAY -    (Quietest month on record)
JUN -    NEPs Mon Cherie axed
JUL -    Play Skool opens (NEP)
AUG -    Opium Club new on The Ramp
SEP -    D.L Irish Pub (ex: Bamboo's)
OCT -    NEP 3rd Floor Opens
NOV -    Klymaxx 2 opens on Cowboy
DEC -    Chick's opens upstairs (PP1)
- 1994 -
- 1993 -
JAN -       -
FEB -       -
MAR -   Saloons - More Areas Added
APR -    Saloons -Adding "Nana"
MAY -    Red Diamond Closed
JUN -    Saloons - Tomatohead Closes
JUL -    Pretty Lady A Go Go
AUG -    Mars Party House closed
SEP -    Matterhorn & Star Pub
OCT -    Sawasdee Cocktail Lounge - New
NOV -    Thigh Bar name change
DEC -    Smile Club to open...
- 1990 -
JUN -   Buckskin Joe - Initial Survey

- 1989 -
01 JAN -    Patpong 1 Map 1988-89
Copyright 1989 - 2025    BANGKOK EYES -